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Talk To The Dead
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I See Dead People
April 29, 2007
              ith her knees hurting and the yard full of aluminum cans picked up from the side of the road Trixie Sobieck beamed as she announced she had been hired by the Wal Mart.
Sobieck the 47 year old housewife from Hobart has been seeking gainful employment for several years since the bottom fell out of the craft business and babysitting.
To make ends meet the wife of Kevin Sobieck sold scrap aluminum and rags
much the same way the Jews did in this country during World War 2.

This past week Sobieck has already undergone orientation and rigorous technical training to make her ready for her new employment. Sobieck already has been told she will be a greeter in the plant department, a position I'm told that is reserved for only a select few.

One concern of Sobieck's in her new job is the danger of the remaining members of the Axis of Evil appearing during her shift, disrupting the plants and getting her fired. Recently a power struggle occurred in the Axis of Evil and it is unclear which of the women emerged as the ultimate evil doer. Disagreement in the ranks could result in debauchery ultimately causing expulsion from the well known discount store for Sobieck.

Sobieck is excited to be working with the public and can hardly wait to be released into the store on her own. She has not been told however when she will be actually working on her own. No plans have been discussed as to what the new greeter will be doing once the plant season is over and that end of the store is turned into the Christmas Department.

Saturday, this week marks the day that Mr. and Mrs. Chris Richey will be honored during a gathering at Four Seasons Park in Hobart celebrating their recent marriage.
Trixie Sobieck
In February Aimee Poquette, the daughter of Joanne Lade was married to Chris Richey in Mexico surrounded by a small circle of friends and family. The Richey's now live in a modest home in Kentucky which is close to where both work. Chris Richey is an Indiana State Police officer while Aimee works for an insurance company.
Aimee Richey
Saturday May 12 Brandon Pickett will be holding a graduation party for his fiance Clara Snell. Snell the daughter of Linda and Paul Snell in Lawrence has
completed college and will receive a diploma in accounting. The 22 year old wispy blond has already received and accepted a job offer with the firm Schenck Business Solutions 2200 Riverside Drive Green Bay.

The graduation party will be held at the Hobart Town Hall
on the corner of Pine Tree Road and Florist Drive. The location has a playground for children and a shelter where there will be food, music, and a bar. The celebration begins at 3 PM and is expected to last well into the night. That's all the news that is news, see ya.
Sobieck, sporting 3 pieces of flair on her vest appears unenthusiastic as she practices the Wal-Mart cheer during her rigorous training
The Richeys take a spin in one of Indiana's standard squad cars
Clara Snell