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August 12, 2007
James Seidel finally accepted the notion of a Turkey Bowl halftime wedding, but Jean Poquette Hansen says no way.
         ean Poquette Hansen along  with the other two members of the Axis of Evil Stephonia Prevost and Trixie Sobieck conceived the idea of the perfect wedding performed at the halftime of Turkey Bowl VIII. The entire plan came together at Brandon Pickett's surprise birthday party July 20th at the Sports Corner in De Pere. Hansen excited about the thought of being married at the areas largest sporting event of the year proposed the idea to XPFL Commissioner Brandon Pickett, the guest of honor, and he gave it his blessing on the spot! But there was one problem, the supposed groom James Seidel was not on board. Seidel had not completely rejected the thought of being married at the huge sporting event in front of potentially millions via the live delayed video shot and printed to DVD by Treml Video Productions, but he did want more time to think over the idea and seemed skittish about not being married in a church.

Seidel agonized for weeks over the decision whether to marry or not at the Turkey Bowl. Two weeks ago he gave his answer to Jean Poquette Hansen, yes he would be delighted to take her as his bride in front of millions at the Turkey Bowl.
Axis of Evil Jean Poquette Hansen, Stephonia Prevost, and Trixie Sobieck
But now Hansen presented with the reality that Seidel would actually go through with the wedding said "no".
She apparently had not
James Seidel and Jean Poquette Hansen
considered the possibility that Seidel would actually warm up to and accept the terms of TB VIII nuptials.

Hansen when asked why she would not go through with the wedding after Seidel accepted the terms was quoted as saying : " I don't want to upstage the Turkey Bowl with a royal wedding." An obvious referral to the crown she once held as "The Queen of Chicken Night", a now defunct title since the shut down and demolition of the wildly popular east Green Bay eating place Cliff and Ceils.

Half time festivities to replace the so called royal wedding at the Turkey Bowl have not yet been announced.

Peg VanLanen the so called "matriarch" of the Poquette Family enjoyed a surprise birthday party Sunday August 5th. given by her children at the Four Seasons Park in Hobart. About 40 people attended the affair and enjoyed a lunch prepared by the VanLanen children while visiting with the eldest child of the late Earl and Mary Poquette.
VanLanen rested on outdoor seating while well wishing guests brought the head nurse of San Louis Manor adult beverages.
Later toward the end of the celebration VanLanen became entangled in the legs of the outdoor seating while getting to her feet and fell to the ground smashing her face on the concrete patio in front of the building. No damage occurred to the
concrete however VanLanen was left with a nasty bruise. While down on the ground she immediately shouted "I'm all right" possibly to keep her husband Dan from sitting on her as he had been trained to do after the Sue Wenzel incident December 15, 2002.

The stroke like occurrence which hospitalized the Kat for 3 days was not a stroke say doctors at the Aurora medical center, however they have no explanation as to what actually caused the episode. The symptoms which subsided hours after she was brought to the emergency room were no clue as to what happened that night and after a battery of tests that left the Kat hissing and scratching at care givers doctors admitted they could not figure out what went wrong with the Kat.

Kelly Wenzel the eldest white haired child of Sue and Gary Wenzel announced last week she is to become a mother. Wenzel gave no further information other than the father is from Oconto.

That's all the news that is news, see ya.
Peg VanLanen holds ice on her face after hitting the pavement during her fall
Sunday September 23, 2007
12 PM to 5PM
Benefit for
George Bennett
At The
Swan Club
De Pere
Chicken Dinner 12:30 to 2:30 PM
Auction - Raffle
Music by:
Crunch Time Band
Click here for more info