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Allan Dreblow - CEO
(Chief Excrement Officer)
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Sunday September 23, 2007
12 PM to 5PM
Benefit for
George Bennett
At The
Swan Club
De Pere
Chicken Dinner 12:30 to 2:30 PM
Auction - Raffle
Music by:
Crunch Time Band
Click here for more info
August 26, 2007
             riday August 24th a small gathering assembled at the offices of the KAMR on County E De Pere to give up blood samples to the research group studying the Poquette Family and weight control. After some mistakes made by the blood takers finding the news center, they finally arrived equipped with a large box of viles to collect blood and stacks of paper to sign by the volunteers.  The decision to participate was left in the hands of the volunteers and some such as Adam Meeusen, weighed the options carefully as he questioned in advance whether he would receive financial compensation for his contribution. He did decide to participate in the end even though no monetary reward was offered, he went along with the project simply to fill his gullet with brats and beer while he waited his turn in the blood letting chair.

The group made a make shift clinic by the living room table, importing a lamp with the shade removed from the sun room to cast light where the candle powered ceiling fixture proved inadequate, except for creating lumps in the medical workers head. An assembly line of was formed in the living room where the medical technicians first checked paper work to see if it was signed in the proper place, then someone found your place on the family tree and finally you were assigned two viles that would be handed over to the medical workers during the last step where they actually took the blood.

Things moved on without  a problem until the team encountered the bloodless Jean Poquette Hansen. Some speculated that the former Chicken Night
The medical team hoping to strike blood in Hansen's arm apply a hot towel to the area. Sadly after all their attmepts all they found was a pocket of alcohol.
A katandmick photo
Queen had been "sucked dry" by vampires after the medical team had tried four times to strike a good supply of blood. Not wanting to traumatize Hansen any more then necessary she was excused for that session and sent back to
the spectator group to swill even more wine. She would be tapped again when everyone was done to attempt another needle poking stint to find a reliable supply of blood, but alas there would be no blood tonight. Though multiple attempts at finding blood were made and failed the medical professionals did strike a high quality pocket of alcohol in Hansen's left arm, about 150 proof according to their testing equipment.

Since testing has now failed on Hansen it is not clear whether she will be included in further family weight control testing, or if her body will be reassigned to the alcohol abuse research division.

Even though it has been some time since we have reported Brittany has had a new boyfriend there is news on Sobieck's romance front. Sobieck 21 has hooked up with yet another member of the opposite sex in Milwaukee, and it appears the relationship has been going on for some time without our knowledge.
Jean Poquette Hansen
Jason M. Lufk has only been with Brittany for a couple of months but already fears his  publication in this Newsletter. Lufk 30 years old knows the process all too well
from reading past issues. The notoriety and fame from being mentioned in The Newsletter is grand and fun but short lived, soon things begin to turn around and it is the beginning of the end and then ultimately he will be cast to the great pile of boys behind the Sobieck house.
Jason Lufk seen here reading before retiring for the night
The extremely pale skinned Lufk works for the Democrat party as a public relations man and has political aspirations of his own. Lufk has expressed a desire to enter public office himself and one day hopes to become president of the United States.
When asked to describe the physical appearance of Lufk, Brittany compared him to her Uncle Ron but added that "Jason was more pale."

In a rare but candid interview this week Dick Meeusen has begun training to work for WEL Trucking.
Meeusen has given up what many of us would consider a dream job of working on the Internet at home and entered the exciting life of moving freight with 18 wheeled vehicles. Meeusen the 60 year old former accountant claims that opportunities on the Internet have not been so lucrative of late and it's time to do something else.

Currently Meeusen is training to pass his CDL license which is required to legally operate the big rigs. Last week was his first week in training and he spent most of it in
the classroom. This week he will receive behind the wheel training and will be pulling a big rig for the first time.

Peg and The Kat will be leaving to travel to Murfreesburo Tennessee Friday morning to attend the nuptials of Peter and Alex Saturday. Although Dan had forbid Peg to go she is defying the order and will leave anyway. The two women are expected to return by Monday morning. That's all the news that is news, see ya.
Dick Meeusen seen here departing with his WEL bag
Brittany Sobieck
A katandmick photo
A katandmick photo