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February 25, 2007
Lola wants to search North Twin Kingdom in search of the foot that fits the slipper.
         aturday a grave discovery was made in the master bedroom closet of the newly constructed Sobieck cottage on North Twin Lake. While arranging things in the closet Lola Sobieck discovered a pair of slippers that were not hers. Attempting to find the rightful owner of the abandoned foot wear she questioned everyone at the cottage.
Sobieck who had not been at the cottage all week was sure the slippers had not been there before. An unnamed source stated that Sobieck was adamant about finding the owner of the slippers and at one
point began to accuse her husband Joe of having female callers in her absence, specifically the woman living next door.

The usually quiet and reserved Joe Sobieck fired back with pure logic as he explained to the group that if he were to welcome a partner in Lola's absence it wouldn't be the 75 year old woman living next door. Joe Sobieck went on to say after consuming several adult beverages that women over 40 loose their sex drive which he offered as further evidence that the relationship with the old women next door is indeed platonic.
Joe Sobieck
Lola Sobieck
Slippers found in Sobieck closet may be checked on all women under 40
The unnamed source went on the say that when fishing for an explanation with Joe did not yield results Lola accused guests of planting the slippers in the Sobieck closet purely for entertainment value.
Still the mystery remains unsolved as to the unclaimed slippers. Lola,
determined to get to the bottom of the slipper caper, has decided she will travel with her entourage one day and try the slippers on the feet of all the women under 40 through out the kingdom of North Twin Lake, the settlement where the Sobieck cottage is located. Lola Sobieck did not elaborate as to what would happen next should the slippers not fit any women's feet at North Twin but did not rule out DNA matching.

With pressure building from friends and relatives Stephonia Prevost finally abandoned her practice of laying around the house while her 4 year old son became the breadwinner. Prevost has taken a limited term employment position at the Tribe and when terminated decided it was time her son started to do some things for her.
All that has changed now that Prevost has accepted a seasonal position at the Wisconsin Public Service Corporation. Little is known about
the details of the job which will employ Prevost eight months at a time but will allow her to take the winter months of November through February off. With the time frame mentioned however it is not hard to figure out what jobs are available.
I suspect Stephonia will be sent to the nuclear plant to ward off the mutated fish which collect on the intake screens of the cooling water pipes in Lake Michigan. Wisconsin Public Service hires people who don diving gear and stand guard around the screens with spear guns. If a mutated fish comes near they are to head them off with and if the warning is not taken serious they are authorized to terminate the fish. The fish are then collected, cleaned and donated to the homeless so the fish corpses do not float around and clog the screens. Don't worry the homeless are not told the fish were mutants.

Eileen Sobieck who in recent weeks has become hyperactive has applied for permanent employment at Wal-Mart stores in De Pere and Green Bay. Sobieck who finds herself moving at all times feels that the job would occupy her time and burn off excess energy and relieve the restless legs
syndrome of which she suffers. Sobieck has been known to exercise from four to six hours at a time. Brittany Sobieck offered no comment when asked about her mothers application to the store but would be willing to take advantage of the 10% discount.
Eileen Sobieck
Stephonia Prevost