Would you like to submit it for next years calendar? Send your photo to Tim Lade for consideration in next years fund raising calendar. The photo can be either a print or in digital form. To submit your photo either e-mail a copy to Tim via TimLade@who.net or send the print to Tim in the US Mail at 3036 Ravine Way, Green Bay 54301. Photos can also be dropped off or emailed to KAMR offices.
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aturday July 15th was the day picked for Terri Poquette to be married. Father of the bride John Poquette was for the first time for as long as everyone can remember dressed in nice trousers and a button up shirt. Most people remember Poquette wearing shorts and a tee shirt to family events including funerals, even in the immediate family. Poquette a nomad from Las Vegas felt it was important enough to cloth himself in semi formal attire for his little girls wedding day, but stopped short of pulling out all the stops and wearing a coat and tie reserving that extreme for his own funeral I guess.
A moderate attendance from the Poquette family was present with many of the younger members abstaining from the celebration.
The ceremony held at the Botanical Gardens was somewhat uncomfortable in the blistering heat with thermometers creeping up to near the 100 mark. Things cooled off when the guests and wedding party arrived at the Radisson Hotel and people were treated to an air conditioned room, smart thinking on Terri's part finding and renting facilities that were air conditioned for the reception.
Guests mingled in the Fourier of the Bear and Beaver room and staff brought out chairs for people after a strong request from Dan VanLanen. VanLanen threatened to gather all the chairs from the rest of the hotel and bring them to the Fourier if his demands were not met. At once employees earning minimum wage were pressed into service hauling stacks of chairs to our location, soon everyone was sitting.
Dinner consisted of roasted Chicken and fresh steamed vegetables with a high grade of instant potatoes. Dinner rolls also were included with the spread however the supply had been depleted before Dan VanLanen had his fill. Subsequent requests for rolls yielded a snappy response from our waiter informing us their supply had been exhausted but not before he had tried to snatch the plate from under my chin while I still had chicken to eat. He then milled about behind me waiting for me to finish.
The meal was interrupted several times by long winded members of the wedding party as well as the grooms parents extolling the virtues of Terri who must have reformed the man who is now her husband judging by what the parents both said. Most of what was said was usually followed by a smattering of applause and the ubiquitous tingeing of spoons on water glasses. Eventually everyone got their say and we all finished our food only to have a plate of cake put in front us.
The DJ from "Music in Motion" seemed impatient and couldn't wait to get started and began with a dance for the wedding party while we were having our cake. He worked his way into participation songs and had all the kids doing the Cha Cha Slide while we were still licking the frosting from our fingers.
We left early, about 8PM only to meet Steven "Sod" Poquette and Gail Retzlaff in the parking lot looking for some sign of a Poquette presence at the establishment. After a lengthily explanation of where the festivities were held, we left the pair to find the party for themselves.
With temperatures hovering in the 90'S all weekend The Axis of Evil took their evilness to the north woods to cool off this weekend.
The trio stayed in Colleen and Dick's camper which the Sobieck's pulled up to Phelps weeks ago. The Sobieck family is building a cabin on land purchased some time ago on lake front property in the settlement of Phelps.
The Sobieck family now owns a cabin near Lac Vieux Desert near Land O Lakes and plans to sell that property when the new cabin is completed.
That's all the news that is news, see ya.
Jean Poquette Hansen, Stefonia Prevost, Trixie Sobieck comprise The Axis of Evil
July 23, 2006
ithout any prior notice Brittany Sobieck brought home her new boyfriend to meet the family last weekend while they were all up at the site of the new Sobieck Family cottage. Sobieck who is being tight lipped about the new acquaintance has not returned calls from the KAMR requesting details about the new guy.
While Sobieck works in Green Bay she does live in Milwaukee and is attending college at UW Milwaukee, so we can assume the new friend is from Milwaukee. Trixie Sobieck, Brittany's
mother relayed the news about the impromptu meeting and suggested that the boy is already on his way out of the picture citing instances in the past. Trixie: "As soon as she brings one home to meet me it's the kiss of death. They never last after that."
Sobieck who has gone through countless boyfriends in the past has acknowledged after direct questioning during past interviews that she is gay, however her constant attraction toward the opposite sex suggests otherwise. THE NEWSLETTER will attempt to gain further information about the new addition to Sobieck's male portfolio and cover the break up as soon as it happens.
As reported in the May 14 edition of THE NEWSLETTER a new White Eagle is being built in the same location as the original as reported to the KAMR by Tom Rassmussen, contractor. The new structure is now nearing completion and a banner hanging over the front door announces an opening date of August 26, only a month away.
The new facility is promoting itself as "The new White Eagle Sports Bar" and will serve food which was not done at the original establishment which occupied the pie shaped lot for as long as everyone can remember. The original owners have retained the liquor license and their son will run the new venture serving adult beverages and food. Parking is limited, however the structure itself isn't large either so it will retain it's homey community flavor.
At this time the parking lot is not paved which will make it difficult to find teeth, blood, and hair on Sunday mornings, however rumor has it that "The new White Eagle" will shed it's previous stigma of catering to one single ethnic group and welcome the general public.
After gathering all the names to attend a Timber Rattler baseball game we were told that the game was sold out last week. KAMR offices planned the get together and tried to purchase tickets last week but were told by the Timber Rattler box office that the August 5th game had been sold out.
This ends the opportunity to attend a game as a group this year as the baseball season ends soon.
Perhaps next year there will be a better opportunity to organize an outing.
That's all the news that is news, see ya.
Oneida Harlot
Brittany Sobieck
Dan and Peg VanLanen attend last years Timber Rattler game