Would you like to submit it for next years calendar? Send your photo to Tim Lade for consideration in next years fund raising calendar. The photo can be either a print or in digital form. To submit your photo either e-mail a copy to Tim via TimLade@who.net or send the print to Tim in the US Mail at 3036 Ravine Way, Green Bay 54301. Photos can also be dropped off or emailed to KAMR offices.
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Need help in the romance department? Call Valerie Snell for advice, she is your personal consultant in the complicated world of romance. She can suggest products that will help, or restock your empty shelves on consumable romance.
n Saturday July 22nd. Jessie Poquette injured her wrist in an ATV accident. Apparently the ATV on which she was driving went through a large dip causing Poquette to come down hard on her left wrist. Although the device did not roll apparently Poquette did not have as firm a grip on the handlebars as she should have and her upper body weight combined with an improper grip on the handle bars caused her wrist to break.
In great distress Poquette called her mother, Jean Poquette Hansen to bail her out of the predicament which has left her physically handicapped for an unknown period to come. Poquette found it impossible to bathe herself because of the broken wing and pleaded with her mother to clean her off so that "I don't have to go to work smelling like ass." Jean Poquette Hansen obliged and went one step further offering her home to Poquette as a means of coping with the new found disability for as long as needed. Poquette Hansen; "I thought she would need someone to help her with her makeup, I couldn't bear the thought of her walking around with only one eyebrow." Poquette has had to color on one eyebrow for the last two years due to an unfortunate piercing accident which left her with a bald forehead on one side, a huge contrast to the other side which sports caterpillar above the eye. Poquette has complained she gets no help from her boyfriend and is expected to stay with Poquette Hansen until she is back on her feet.
Without the need for much medical science Dan VanLanen has survived on the earth for 60 years and vows to continue his mundane existence for another 60 years. Sunday July 23rd. a group of friends and family greeted VanLanen as he thought he was heading into a party for Kevin and Trixie Sobieck's wedding anniversary. VanLanen a modest father of 5 was completely surprised by the gathering and couldn't believe that everyone was assembled in his honor. "I had no idea" said VanLanen as he stuffed cake into his mouth and read cards and opened gifts at the head table of the shelter at Hobart Four Seasons Park. VanLanens elderly mother was in attendance as was his wife Peg and children with the exception of Bob serving in the military in Iraq.
About a month earlier the VanLanens attended a birthday party for Dan's brother and liked it so well he suggested to Peg that maybe he wouldn't complain too loudly if there was a birthday party for him. After hearing that comment and with the surprise party already planned, and invitations sent Peg responded with; "Tough crap you're not gettin one."
Sobieck. He is a whiz on computers and has studied computer science according to Sobieck.
Sobieck also states that Brittany has been going with this guy for about 3 months already and Brittany really seems to like him. "She usually just keeps them around for a while and then just get's rid of them with no real reason. She just gets tired of them. But this guy seems different, she seems more affectionate toward him" says Sobieck. Will has already cleaned up a lot of adware on the Sobieck computer and has promised to come back to reformat the hard drive in the future making him an instant hit with Brittany's brothers Logan and Justin.
Attending the party were many from the Poquette side even Stephonia Prevost along with son Bailey however her husband Rick was not to be seen. Stephonia, when questioned was very evasive and vague about his whereabouts and gave
no specific answer opting to change the subject rather then answer any direct question about Rick. Hopefully nothing gruesome has happened to Rick at the hands of Stephonia. We are attempting to find out where and when he was last seen.
Brittany's new boyfriend's name is Will and is from Pulaski according to Brittany's mother Trixie
Stephonia Prevost evades direct question about Rick
Dan VanLanen visits with friends and relatives at his 60th birthday party
Jessie Poquette breaks wrist but still loves four wheeler as you can tell by the smile on her face.
August 9, 2006
t was a bit of trickery I guess but it worked just the same as Chris and Rudy Richey asked Aimee Poquette to marry them on July 28th in Aimee's office while she was working on the computer. The Richeys cooked up the plot and each played their part beautifully ultimately winning the heart of Poquette and surprising her with the engagement ring as well. While Poquette was dozing off pretending to work on the computer Chris and Rudy walked in and Chris indicated that something was wrong with Rudy's neck and could Aimee take a look at it. When she moved the dog to a better position where she could see his neck, there it was, that beautiful ring glistening in the brash white light of the cheap K-Mart lamps that adorn the desk of Poquette's office. It seems that Chris worked out a plan with Rudy where by he would tie the ring to a string and place it around Rudy's neck, Rudy would keep it in the folds of his neck until just the right moment when he would let it fall out and reveal it's glistening beauty. At that moment Chris got down on one knee while Rudy went into the begging position and Chris spoke for both of them asking Aimee to marry them. Of course with the wedding already planned and reservations made Aimee had no choice but to say yes.
The soon to be Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Richey
The February 24th wedding in Cancun will be the official union, but I am told that a local celebration is also planned. Details of that affair are sketchy as of yet, questions go unanswered. Where will it be? Is there going to be a vows reenactment? What side of the bed does Rudy sleep on, or is it the middle?
Aimee Poquette who at least acted surprised
A katandmick photo
Once again Scott and Judy Treml have made the front page of the Green Bay Press Gazette after their trek to Madison this week to enlighten law makers about the danger of manure and ground water. The Treml's who were at one time just residents of rural Luxemburg have turned activists in the battle over factory farms and manure management. Since the contamination of their well with manure two years ago, they have been sought after for advice and opinion by local media and lawmakers alike.
Alan Lasee president of the Wisconsin Senate had spoken to the Treml's on several occasions about their ideas and suggestions concerning the matter. We can only assume that Lasee asked the Treml's to attend the public hearing in Madison.
Scott and Judy both spoke at a public hearing in Madison Tuesday before the committee of lawmakers crafting legislation regulating the factory farms and the spreading of manure generated by the cattle on those farms.
Judy Treml recently has been quoted in Modern Manure Times, a popular manure
This article with Judy's photo appeared in the Press Gazette on Friday
rights magazine "No one has a right to manure more then I do, but I want to get it out of my well and back into the Senate chambers in Madison where it belongs."
There's a new Birthday Page up if you please. That's all the news that is news, see ya.
Scott Treml testified in Madison
The usual Sunday morning deadline was violated last week and we actually published Monday instead. Sorry for the delay, just too many things going on. If you checked on Monday morning and found nothing and didn't get a chance to get back then look below, last weeks column is under the ads. Editor