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Click here to see who's going to the game June 23 rd
June 10, 2007
            lex Pickett who has not been home for a visit for some year and a half will be home briefly for two and a half days beginning Thursday morning. Pickett will arrive at the airport in Milwaukee Thursday morning at 9:30 AM and will come directly home after that. Alex is coming with his girl friend an Army girl about to be deployed to Iraq upon return to Germany. Last week THE NEWSLETTER mistakenly reported that she was an Airmen creating an immediate stir with the couple.

Friday Night the Kat and I will host a party for the Alex so everyone who wants to see him while he's home can do so in the limited time he has to visit. It would be impossible for him to get around and visit all his friends in that short time.
Alex said he will purchase the beer for the event and the Kat is preparing food so come hungry. Everyone is invited so don't wait for an invitation. The party will begin late afternoon Friday and dinner should be about 6 PM.
If weather permits a campfire is planned in the back yard
so you may want to bring your fold up lawn chairs although we do have a limited number of chairs available here.

Even though the Oneida Harlot had vowed to stay away from boys she has once again spun her complicated web of mystery trapping those boys who blindly fly into it, soon she will wrap her prey and toss him off the side of the web and on to the never ending pile of boys behind her home.

Even more astonishing is the fact that her new boyfriend has a Mohawk hair style. Sobieck,  the conservative country music loving type has teamed up with a more radical style male counterpart.

Little else is known about the new acquaintance in her life but when we get more facts or if he has been added to the pile we will get that news to you as fast as possible.

As a summer job Tim Lade will be working for the Salivation Army bussing people around at their discretion. Lade the 70 year old retiree enjoys the bussing business and has recently found a home at Lamer's on the east side. Lade: "I never thought it would happen to me, but I realize now I fit right in with all those gaffers at Lamer's." Lade accepted the job in instead of an offer to team up with company founder Lyle Lamer's on a summer job picking up aluminum cans and installing license plates on busses. Lade may still be pressed into service with Lyle later however painting wheels.
Alex Pickett
Adriana at 6 Months
Brittany may be thinking of changing her own doo after meeting her new boyfriend
Tickets for the Timber Rattler outing for June 23 are now sold out for our group. The remaining three tickets were sold this week making our party of 25 complete. If anyone is still interested there may be tickets available at the box office but you will have to contact the Timber Rattler Box Office. Of course you may still tailgate with us if you should secure tickets. Tailgating is to start at 4 PM.

Food for tailgating will be discussed in the next weeks installment of THE NEWSLETTER. That's all the news that is news, see ya.
Jacquelyn Poquette recently announced that she and her boyfriend Jesus will be wed soon. Jacquelyn and Jesus made the pact in February but declined to release the news to the public until this week.
No date for the wedding has yet been set.

Jacquelyn reports that baby Adriana is now 7 months old  is already crawling! According to Poquette she is a very happy baby and Grandpa Sam and Grandma Rae are the happiest grandparents ever.
Jean Poquette Hansen former Queen of Chicken Night reports that she was unintentionally injured during her carpal tunnel surgery last week. It seems she was required to remove her bra for surgery and put on a gown. After this process she was put in a wheel chair and wheeled up to surgery, it is here where she was injured. It seems that her unfettered breasts became entangled in the spokes of the wheel chair. Hansen recommends any one having this surgery wear a sports bra and leave it on.