ccording to Tim Lade the wedding ceremony between Aimee Poquette and Chris Richey in Cancun Mexico was "The most beautiful wedding I have ever seen." Lade said in a phone interview Saturday evening that the wedding couldn't have went any better and the thirty five people attending were very pleased with the complete ordeal.
Richey suffered some nervous tension while awaiting the ceremony to begin with the delay of the bride and her mother, Joanne Lade. The customary horse drawn carriage ride around the community and up to the wedding site apparently took longer then estimated and the pair arrived a half hour late. Richey holding off fears of being left at the alter downed a couple of quick shots of tequila while waiting.
Tim walked Aimee up the aisle to begin the ceremony which lasted about 15 minutes followed by a small reception complete with music provided by a mariachi band. Joanne Lade mentioned that while the band was a nice touch they did hit a couple of flat notes.
Later a dinner celebration was held. Lade went on to say the service was excellent with plenty of waiters taking care of only about 5 people at a time. He said that if you needed anything it was there in a flash.
After the festivities the newly married couple vanished for a few days returning a day or two before everyone left for home. The Lades were quite pleased of the outcome of the wedding and trip and had a good time.
Scott and Judy Treml and their three children spent the last week traveling and visiting Disney World near Kissimmee Florida last week. Although the children and Scott Judy had fun, the trip was not without incident. Apparently the first day in Florida Judy had misplaced her cell phone and it was never found during the remainder of the trip. The Family had spent a week in Florida and it was their first vacation in several years. That's all the news that is news, see ya.