pril Johnson (the former April Cornelius) was admitted to the hospital last week and underwent emergency surgery to remove tumors on her ovaries.
It was thought at the time of surgery that there was a chance the tumors could be cancerous, however tests done afterwards revealed no cancer.
Johnson the daughter of Sue Wenzel (the former Sue Cornelius) and Eugene Cornelius remained in the hospital for several days following the surgery.
The surgery was a complete hysterectomy which will leave
Johnson unable to reproduce, and according to the Kat now makes her a "full blown krohn".
Johnson and her husband Rick live with their two children Vance and Uriah along with Whitey's son in Oconto.
Apparently just sitting next to the bar is not good enough for Whitey Cornelius but being up on the bar must the the thing for him now. Cornelius apparently was on top of the bar at the bar "Harry and the Hipsters" and fell earlier this week breaking his leg in at least two places according to his brother Jules Cornelius better known as Willie. The bar where the accident happened is also where Jules works as a bouncer.
The leg from what Willie had said is in bad shape and will need surgery to mend it. At this time Cornelius had not yet had the surgery and is
April Johnson
hospitalized at St. Mary's in Green Bay. Cornelius conveniently landed in the same hospital where April his sister was recovering from surgery. April visited Whitey before she was discharged, Whitey is expected to be in the hospital until at least Wednesday.
Cornelius a construction worker is employed by a private contractor and it is unknown how the injury will affect his employment situation.
Whitey (Earl) Cornelius
Two candidates remain after the primary election held February 20, 2007, former Brown County Sheriff Tom Hinz and Former State Senator and Senate President Allen Lasee.
Lasee the self proclaimed conservative has pointed to Hinz as a spend thrift for building the new Jail and of all things citing the sign in the front of the building as an extravagant waste of money. While it is true the lighted sign did cost thousands of dollars, it was figured into the cost of the project and everybody on the county board voted on it and approved it. The sign, a minor issue, is designed to last 50 years.
The Jail which did cost $36 million is saving the County from housing prisoners in other jails around the state to the tune of $4 million a year at the time the facility was built. That cost by now is sure to be higher, you don't have to be a math major to see the payback here.
Former Sheriff Hinz has already expressed plans to tackle tough problems existing in the County while his opponent Allen Lasee has spent all his time talking trash about Hinz and has not expressed any plan of his own.
Lasee, from the Town of Rockland is frequently seen wearing a cowboy hat thought teachers carrying guns would be a good idea in the class room and every couple of years introduced legislation to bring back capital punishment to Wisconsin. It sounds like her should be living in the old west. Lasee was also active in pushing legislation that eventually failed
making carrying concealed weapons in Wisconsin legal.
Lasee does not impress us as a forward thinker but only a politician willing to point to the faults of his opponent. That's all the news that is news, see ya.