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August 24, 2008
           t's really only been a few isolated instances that Paul Snell (Clara Pickett's father) has been attending baseball games at Fox Cities Stadium home of the Wisconsin Timber Rattlers, but as Paul sat and watched the Rattlers play on Time Warner Cable Field on the afternoon of August 11 a big prize was headed his way. After a base hit the staff went out and stood on top of the dugouts and threw out tennis balls to the crowd with numbers on them. The promotion sponsored by Cedar Creek Ice Cream was a way to hand out free samples to people attending the game that day. Included with the run of the mill sample coupons was one set of Brewer tickets for a September game compliments of Cedar Creak Ice Cream.

Paul was not eager to see his prize upon catching a ball randomly thrown with the number 13 imprinted boldly on the fuzzy exterior with a red magic marker. We sat and watched through the end of the inning munching our popcorn and sipping our Pepsi drinks enjoying the warm sunny afternoon and the Timber Rattlers battle their formidable opponent the Kane County Cougars.

At the end of the inning I suggested we take a trip up the stairs and visit the concessions area to get a hot dog. Before we got to the top I said "Paul why don't you see what you won with your tennis ball", thinking that perhaps a free treat at the concession stand might nix one of his selections should we purchase
our food first. Paul agreed and after a short rest needed after ascending almost the entire compliment of stairs from the field, we made our way to the admissions area where Cedar Creek had a table set up to cash in the numbered tennis balls. After a short wait in line it was Paul's turn to turn in his tennis ball, the man plucked the ball from his hand as if he were picking a ripe apple and a large grin appeared on his face. He looked at Paul and said "Oh I see you have lucky 13" and reached in a different compartment than he had been pulling gift certificates from for everyone else and handed Paul an envelope. Paul opened it immediately and saw he had won two Brewer Tickets, a big smile appeared on his face and he thanked the man.

After walking away from the table Paul immediately took out his daytimer to make sure he was free of appointments that day. He took out the tickets again and checked the date and then a big smile appeared on his face "I've never been in the new stadium before." I replied "You're gonna be going there now."

We went to the concession stand for hot dogs and Paul said "I'm buying." I didn't argue.

The Rattler game ended in a heartbreaking finish with the Rattlers losing by one point to Kane County. The final Kane County 6, Wisconsin Timber Rattlers 5 after a stunning double play by Kane County taking out the tieing and winning run.

This week marks the end of baseball for this year at the Fox Cities Stadium with the home stand today through Thursday night the final game of the season in Appleton. The Timber Rattlers final game is Sunday at Modern Woodmen Park, Davenport Iowa against the Quad Cities River Bandits. As of press time the Rattlers are in last place in the Midwest league at 22 and 40.
Paul Snell
Dear Kat:

How come when we ask questions that are not of a sexual nature (we ask our readers not to go there) you do not respond to them? Are you that busy answering the many questions that are brought to you, or are you just being a lazy ass???  One may wonder why you even have Ask the Kat.


Dear Trixie:

I recall now after reading your letter and seeing the liberal use of profanity and your unusual name, much like the ones used in pornographic films, that you have indeed written to me before. I usually just trash this hate mail and don't give the writers the satisfaction of my consideration. But in your case, since you are a regular contributor I will make an exception, and pander to your unflattering speculation.

First of all I am very busy, I not only have the great responsibility of writing this column but I also have a household to run. I have a husband to watch over and must constantly stand with my hand on my hips watching while he does my bidding. Then there are my three grandchildren which I watch for hours at a time three or four times a month, I cook a buffet breakfast for my family every 5 months without fail, and as if that were not enough work I have my lady friends over for breakfast semi annually.
Then finally the grand daddy of all, I have my whole family over for Christmas Eve every year, which means at least one or two days of standing with my hands on my hips while my husband and host of other people who are in the wrong place at the wrong time are pressed into service with last minute remodeling, hauling items to the basement, and cleaning of the house.

After receiving your last piece of hate mail I went to the trash can and unearthed the original letter your wrote in. After reading it over again it was easy to see why I didn't respond. It was a sarcastic accusation about the son of the writer of this column and a delicate situation with two other people who shall remain unnamed.

I find it useful to stay out of the affairs of my children and my advice to you is to do the same. No good can come from meddling in these types of problems, keep all thoughts and advice in your own head and don't let them make their way to your mouth.  Meeeeow

The Kat

Shelly, Ella, and Hadyn Sobieck are planning on walking the three mile walk for the American Heart Association on September 20 to raise funds for research. The Sobieck's are seeking sponsors and would appreciate any donation you can muster. Click  to donate on their personal page.

If your interested in doing the walk yourself click the link for the home page and get the details. It is held at NWTC and will be Sept. 20, 2008.

That's all the news that is news, see ya.