Kat decides to tear apart house 1 week before Christmas Party, creates havoc for KAMR management and employees.
n an unprecedented display of procrastination The Newsletter was published two days late this week due to the writer performing non essential maintenance and decorating duties unrelated to this publication.
With less than a week before the annual Pickett Family Christmas Party the Kat decided to complete a number of tasks in the offices and home of The Kat and Mick Report. First she demanded the breezeway be tiled. Then she made the decision to rip up the carpet from the sun room and paint the rough plyscore underlayment to create a finish floor look.
With the Kat doing all the painting that left time for me to lay the tile and grout, but with her weak
physique she was unable complete even the simplest of moving jobs when it came to furniture or carpeting. I was forced to drop what I was doing and pressed into service moving furniture from one room to another.
Then as if that were not enough to worry about she asked me to
accompany her to Fleet Farm to buy another throw rug for the floor. My premium publishing time wasted on transporting yet another rug for her collection.
Monday was no better, after arriving home late due to icy roads combined with a late afternoon dental appointment I was greeted with more furniture moving before I was required to depart for my Fire Department business meeting.
The Kat
Loyal readers of this publication called to inquire what was going on after being late with publication. One caller in particular who talked to our customer service staff seemed quite worried that after last weeks announcement about the firing of the staff sports writer and commentator that he had in fact retaliated. She pictured S. Lyle OConnor bursting through the front doors to The Kat and Mick Report with an AK 47 blazing and a collection of pipe bombs hanging from his belt.
For those of you fearing that type of display from Mr. OConnor, I must put your mind at ease and tell you that OConnor neither has the stamina to carry out such an attack nor the resources.
I will admit in the past we have heard the "tough talk" from S. Lyle OConnor but after a through review and background check OConnor has no history of violence or the capability to create the havoc the worried reader thinks he can. He has however responded with another collection of words he calls "An open letter to the readers of The Kat and Mick Report from S. Lyle OConnor" complete with his usual name calling and lame explanations for his ineptitude.
Even though I hesitate to call attention to OConnors whining we have published his comments on the Opinion Page. You can click here to read his thoughts on this publication and of me and the Kat.