ith her hot flashes now in control or diminished completely Mary Meeusen says there is no reason to stay around Wisconsin any longer. Dick and Mary Meeusen have dreamed for some time of leaving the frozen tundra and moving to the warm climate of Florida where the streets are paved with sea shells.
Richard Meeusen who has for some time struggled with employment issues since the dwindling success of his online mysterious companies has decided to explore other means of fulfillment. Meeusen 60, likes the idea of relocating in the south particularly since no one will know him where he is looking for a new career. One such career he seeks is employment in the Disney theme park located near Orlando. Meeusen has dreamed of working in the park since he was a boy and had even had a tryout driving the train on one visit.
Mary Meeusen or "Doats" as she is called by siblings is not as fascinated by Walt Disney's dream as her husband is but is willing to give it a try and also has a special outfit to wear while applying for work at the home of Mickey Mouse and his friends. Doats also sees the opportunity to score
some huge sales on Mary Kay cosmetics to visitors as well as park as well as employees.
The couple plans to also visit Cheryl and Steve Purshock while in Florida and will consider the prospect of living in Fort Walton Beach as well, however Dick is not as interested in that location since there is not theme parks near the area.
Doats with a special outfit sure to get her hired at the theme park.
Dick Meeusen trys his hand at driving the park train
Kelly Wenzel daughter of Sue and Gary Wenzel gave birth to a baby boy on Thursday February 7th at around 5PM. She has named the boy Riley. Wenzel expects to be home with baby by publication of this edition. As far as we can tell there were no complications and everything is fine.
Mary Elizabeth Poquette daughter of Michael Poquette has announced her engagement to Michael Kennedy Birder. The Two have set a date for their wedding of August 31, 2008. The couple is planning to be married in De Pere although plans have not been finalized as of yet. That's all the news that is news, see ya.
Five years ago in The Newsletter
Agrilink plant closes in Green Bay
Brittany and Megadeth take ACT exams
Saturday was the day that Brittany Sobieck and Megan Krueger known as Megadeth took their A.C.T. s and the results are unknown as of now.
Sobieck who is still thinking about what she would like to become upon graduation is leaning toward being a foreign diplomat while Megadeth is certain of her future as a surgeon specializing in the transplanting of human organs. Click here to read more.