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November 2, 2008

Pregame show                                                             Kickoff at 2:00 PM
starts at 1:30 PM

Rock Paper Scissors                                                      Bleacher Seating at
at Half Time with                                                               the 20 Yard lines
                        any of the usual's who attended the Halloween party in the past were absent this year. But there were a few new faces in the crowd, not enough to make up for the losses but new just the same. Attending the party for the first time was Trixie Sobieck's Wal-Mart work pal Snow Danforth.
The heat in Dick Poquette's garage was kept low so that Danforth would be able to keep from melting thus creating an unsafe condition with a puddle of Danforth on the dance floor.

Dick Poquette felt that attendance was down due to the celebration being held on a Friday night instead of the traditional Saturday evening. Poquette rescheduled the event to Friday October 31 (Halloween) from Saturday November 1 because of a conflict on his schedule with the IMCA banquet. Poquette is the president of the local chapter of the popular racing committee and must be at the annual event to give his yearly speech and award the prizes to the more outstanding members of the crew.

Dick and Cleen were winners of the second place award in the costume contest with Bonnie and Clyde costumes. Other winners included Val Snell Tingley and her new husband Joel in third place with Bun in the oven and bun maker costumes. Fourth place saw a tie with Bob and Danielle VanLanen as a pirate and terrorist and Stephonia and Rick Prevost as the Bobbits. First place went to Judy Treml as a very convincing Sarah Palin.

Games played included the hot pumpkin pass and the Quarter Horse game with a winner every time. There were many children in attendance and many prizes went out to them, possibly for no reason.

There was much food left over and the popcorn machine gave up a couple of batches as well that ere not eaten.

The official countdown to kick off of TB IX began today as the countdown day sign went up along side of Poquette Field. Along with the board the two inflatable turkeys were placed along the side of the to give the display a little eye catching quality. The field which has short grass now will need to grow a bit before the field can be lined in about three weeks.

Field equipment, and grounds manager Kevin Sobieck looked over the stack of parts used in the set up of the field and associated press box and deemed them ready for the 2008 season. 

Trixie Sobieck began the daunting task of planning the food for the day and who will make what for the annual Thanksgiving day feast.
A katandmick photo
Snow Danforth dons a George Bush mask but fools no one
A katandmick photo
In a repeat of a summer event the Kat held at the Kat and Mick offices, the Fancy Ladies returned once again to devour the egg dish casseroles that

Kat constructed for their dinning pleasure. The brunch was served in late morning and the fancy ladies almost completely consumed both pans of egg dish of plain and one with Mexican seasonings before departing. Along with the egg dish the Kat served a concoction called primate bread and a variety of breakfast meats and sausages.

The Fancy Ladies are all employed as School Bus Drivers with the Lamer's Bus Company except Faye Hollowinski who is retired from driving. The group tours the Kat and Mick offices several times a year but are not regular readers of the Newsletter.
A katandmick photo
first on the list is the cat hair cold slaw assigned to Peg VanLanen without question. After all who else could get that precise mixture of cat hair and cabbage creating the perfect texture for the turkey dinner side dish.
The countdown sign is placed on Poquette Field
The Fancy Ladies languish in the Kat and Mick offices dining area