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October 5, 2008
Pumpkin Carving
Her plush Greenleaf Home

Be sure to bring your own pumpkin
Pot luck lunch served
Check with Jean Poquette-Hansen for bringing food 920-864-2163
          ust a couple of weeks ago the Poquette's announced the date of November 1 as the date of the annual Halloween party hosted by the couple. The date chosen was published in The Newsletter September 14 edition. Richard decided not to break from tradition and to kept the party on a Saturday evening November 1st, even though the actual Halloween date is only one day before on Friday Oct. 31.
The date of the party has now been changed to the actual Halloween day October 31. Richard changed the date not because he reconsidered and thought that Halloween Night might be a better night to have a costume party but because Saturday November 1st is the date of the IMCA racing banquet.
Richard Poquette
No other changed will be made to the celebration except for the date, still no loaded weapons are permitted, there will be food, prizes, adult beverages, music, and games. The big prize of the night will be for best costume. The usual playing of the original War of the Worlds broadcast will begin at 7PM with the party getting underway at 8PM. See you there.

Chrissy Meeuwsen reports from her Peace Corps post in Benin West Africa that she is single handedly responsible for frightening a number of agnostic native people into becoming religious zealots for Islam. It seems that Meeusen is the only white skinned human within hundreds of miles and well within the boundaries that the native people will roam in their lifetime. Many of the people only see white skin on those who are albinos a common phenomenon in Africa. Most albinos are weak and sickly, Meeusen however demonstrates her great physical ability in front of them proudly to which they are astounded and at once realize the need to worship.

Among her daily duties is the hauling of water from one of the community pumps of which it seems they are only able to keep one working at a time. She must carry the water on her head as the natives do and she is not accustomed to doing so and frequently spills water all over herself. When the laughing becomes too great she sneers at them and they immediately become quiet, thinking that she might be a white Goddess and may make them burst into flame at will.

The new Birthday Page is out. That's all the news that is news, see ya.
Recently engaged Jean Poquette Hansen and James Seidl attend the annual Halloween Party several years ago
Chrissy Meeusen retrieves water from the local well
A katandmick photo
A katandmick photo