unday was a bright sunny nice day for an egg hunt and so it was at the Sobieck home on Florist Drive in the Village of Hobart. The Sobieck home ground zero for the egg hunt and the famous Turkey Bowl again proved to be the ideal location for the event. Arriving guests were filing in with pans of food ranging from home made cookies to pans of lime green Jell-O.
Eileen "Trixie" Sobieck baked a ham and had a pan of pre-made fried chicken from Festival Foods as the main entree. Disaster almost ruined the day however when young Logan "Cougar" Sobieck was ordered by his mother to retrieve the fried chicken from the De Pere market but not told exactly what he was picking up. When he returned with a frozen turkey in the bag instead of the Chicken the panicked Trixie Sobieck nearly collapsed from the pressure of such a failure in the meal preparation sequence. Kevin Sobieck stepped in and saved the day by returning the rock hard turkey and returning with the piping hot chicken.
The two Sobieck boys were proudly showing off their new girlfriends at the Easterday party as well. Cougar invited his new girl friend Alissa to the party against his better judgement.
Alissa and Logan each enjoy a plate of bacon and beans
Logan believes that bringing a girl to a Poquette function is a mistake and gives the girl the wrong idea about his family. Another female aquiantance's mother has already lodged complaints with Kevin about Logan although it is unknown what the nature of the nature of
the complaint is about. It is also not known if such a complaint was the source of the younger Sobieck threatening to move out of the home earlier this spring. Newsletter sources have uncovered a story of disagreement between Cougar and his parents and where Cougar threatened to move out of the plush Hobart home on Florist Drive. In a furious rage Cougar spun a track in the lawn in the back of the Sobieck home after the altercation. It was then that Kevin gathered his meager belongings and tossed them outside where the bewildered Cougar could retrieve them and be on his way.
The mark spun in the Sobieck lawn
It is not known if Cougar actually had a place to stay or if he merely was bluffing but he later changed his mind and stayed at the Sobieck homestead where he still resides to this very minute.
The eldest of the Sobieck Children Justin also was in a mood to show off his best girl and did so with
the introduction of Molly to the group. Justin's new girl has two charming female children that are twins, and a son and she is about 6' 9" tall slightly dwarfing Justin. XPFL commissioner Brandon Pickett is considering the new red head as a Red Gobbler quarter back as she would be able to see over everyone's head in the line.
The egg hunt consisted of 156 eggs hidden throughout the Sobieck grounds. The hiding was accomplished by Kevin and Kendall the latter being one of Molly's children. At least 9 children actively sought out the hidden eggs and the hunt lasted at least 5 minutes.
Monday April 20, 2009 Stephonia Prevost is returning to a job she once held at an establishment helping young women escaping violent home surroundings. The Golden House as it is known, located on University Ave. in Green Bay is run by the Family Violence Center and is considered a safe house for threatened women. Prevost's job is to make it as uncomfortable as possible so that the clients don't get to like it too much so as not to leave.
Stephonia Prevost
Another one of Prevost's main jobs is to teach violence to women who don't have the skills to be violent on their own. Prevost a born teacher draws on techniques from her days as a "fat club kid" teaching abused women the main moves involving biting and kicking as well as where to
aim when attacking someone in the groin.
Prevost says that she was bored at her present employer Humana Insurance and that a more physical job suits her better. An opening occurred after Prevost used Fat Club Kid techniques on a Golden House employee bullying her into quitting.
According to Dick Poquette and Logan Sobieck this years races at the Seymour race track are in jeopardy.
A disagreement between new track officials and the people who maintained the track previously has left the Outagamie venue without regular maintenance equipment to run the track.
Poquette the former president of the track performed most of the maintenance and ran the organization as he saw fit but others in the organization opposed his opinions and a new president was installed this past winter with all new rules. Along with a new administration comes the maintenance responsibilities but an unwillingness to perform
the required maintenance to the track has left a hole in the operation. Poquette had offered his equipment and services to the new organization for a price which was promptly rejected. No other prospective caretaker has stepped forward and as of press time the track remains in a state unable to open and conduct a race according to Poquette.
The well written and comprehensive web site that listed all the standings and winners photos is unavailable at this time, but the Seymour Track site is up and running with the 2009 schedule already posted and it appears that at least one race has already been run.
Logan Sobieck continues to work on his four cylinder racer in case a last minute agreement is hammered out and the season comes to life again. That's all the news that is news, see ya.