ith the proliferation of corporate farming the potential for well contamination grows every day according to Judy Treml a local clean ground water advocate. Treml a rural Luxemburg resident along with her husband Scott and three children suffered well contamination 5 years ago in February 2004. (See story here.) After the unfortunate incident Treml sued a neighboring farm and won the case in Kewaunee court and has since become an advocate for stricter regulation regarding manure pits and runoff.
With the experience of having a contaminated well of her own and dealing with regulatory authorities in an effort to correct the situation, she seeks new problems to work on and is always watchful for potential situations where similar incidents could pop up.
Treml vows she will travel anywhere where she can be of help whether it is to speak to farmers who are potential polluters, regulatory authorities who seem unwilling to address the problem, or the victims of the run off with polluted wells. Treml says she is now equipped to organize local villagers with pitchforks, rakes and torches and is ready to lynch any farmer or regulatory official not willing to comply with her demands. She says that she's tired of talking and now it's time to take action.
Treml hopes that her willingness to take immediate action and organizational skills involving assembling a crowd will come in handy if she chooses to run for office, of which she has voiced a willingness for in the past. Treml had spoke of running for an assembly or senate seat in Wisconsin government but has not announced her commitment to the race.
With the busy schedule of the Queen this summer last minute shuffling had to be done to accommodate the aging monarch regarding Chicken Night this week. The Queen had to make a last minute change and is making a personal appearance Friday evening and is ordering Chicken Night be changed this week from the traditional Friday night to Saturday night.
The unprecedented move will open the schedule for the queen to appear at the often weekly event. Poquette Hansen who likes to be present for the Chicken event has in the past disallowed the peasants to assemble for Chicken Night without her presence.
The main course for this weeks chicken meal will be General Tao's Chicken pre-made from Festival food.