he one time highly regarded Queen of Chicken Night was in a serious accident but unlike but unlike Princess Di a colleague from another monarchy Jean Poquette Hansen escaped relatively unharmed.
Here are the facts, Poquette Hansen was enroute to the drop off point on Tuesday May19, 2009 at 5:15 PM where she meets with former husband Steve Hansen to hand off their son Ben, for the prearranged visit. The Notorious B.E.N., the product of a broken home is delivered to Steve at secret and often hastily arraigned meeting points to avoid unwanted photos by the paparazzi. Poquette-Hansen never saw the Escalade that hit her in the drivers side of her car at the corner of 8th. St. and Oak St. De Pere,until the last split second and was unable to perform any evasive action that would have helped avoid the crash. Poquette Hansen was on 8th St. and had the right of way when she was struck, the other driver insists that the accident was not her fault however she was issued a citation.
The crash caused Ben to hit his head on the window but he was not injured, he was told just before the accident to call his father and inform him that they were running late. After the accident he calmly did as he was instructed and called his father informing him they were running late, and further more they now were involved in a serious accident and wasn't sure when they would arrive. Poquette-Hansen told The Notorious B.E.N. to hang up with Steve and call 911. Amazingly she got the numerical order for emergency services correct unlike when her garage caught fire and she persistently and repeatedly dialed 199. (Newsletter June 2002)
Although Poquette-Hansen sustained no serious injuries she did bruise her buttocks (making it difficult to take new photos for her pumpkin carving promotion), and is quite sore in other places from being jostled around in the crash. Immediately after the crash bystanders and Samaritans offered their advice instructing her not to move. The De Pere Fire Dept. removed her from the wreck with the jaws of life and placed her possibly injured neck in a collar.
While in the ambulance Poquette-Hansen had the presence of mind to contact her oldest daughter Jessie Poquette and give her the news as payback for the time that she had fallen and was transported the the hospital.
At that time, as described by Jean Poquette-Hansen Jessie "fell and broke her kankle" and was unable to move, even to help herself make it inside the house. Poquette phoned her mother and shrieked and wailed as rescue personal loaded her into the squad and transported her to the hospital. As you recall that time Poquette Hansen took in her injured daughter and helped her recover from her injuries.
After arriving at the hospital and straightening out her contact information which was outdated and still had her former husband Steve as her contact, she was x-rayed for broken bones or other possible problems and was given a green light for no injuries. Poquette-Hansen was given Vicodin for pain and Valium to calm her and she says that: "when taken with a couple of stiff drinks the drugs seem to be working well."
That did not however completely exonerate her for possible health problems however. While checking x-rays the doctor noticed a spot on her lung and she will need to follow up on that per instructions from the emergency room physician.
By next week Saturday I will be sending a check to the T-Rats to reserve our tickets for the June 27 game. This will close the door on reservations and tickets will no longer be available after this week. With 17 seats still available there is still time to get your friends a ticket for the game but you must act now. I will be calling and collecting the ticket money this week because many have not yet paid for their tickets, be ready when I call to pay the $8 per seat. As of this date only two people have paid for their seats.
That's all the news that is news, see ya.