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November 8, 2009

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Meeuwsen is planning to show off her new skills learned at the African nation as soon as she gets off of the plane. Carrying items on your head is a way of life in Benin and Meeuwsen will carry her luggage from the airport to the car keeping it on her head all the way home until getting into the
             eg VanLanen was not expecting to experience anything out of the ordinary when she made plans to attend Chicken Night at the offices of the KAMR this past Friday night. She was stunned none the less to see her number two son standing in the small crowd gathered around the island in the kitchen. News of the event which got heavy promotion on this media outlet never made it's way to the parents of Lee VanLanen a Texas millionaire home for an impromptu visit. Admittedly Peg and Dan VanLanen never read this publication and have paid the price for it by having the wool pulled over their eyes again.

VanLanen arrived earlier in the day by airplane and was picked up at the airport by his sister the eldest of the family Shelly Sobieck. Sobieck arranged the Chicken Night evening with the publishers of the KAMR nearly a month before the affair. Shelly made sure VanLanen was in place long before the matriarch of the Poquette Family along with husband Dan arrived. Peg had not immediately noticed her offspring in the crowd and made small talk with family members standing near the door, then making a scan of the faces she noticed her long lost son. She screamed out "Lee you're here!"

Bob VanLanen made the chicken run to Festival Foods and the Kat made mashed potato's along with some treats. Everyone had enough to eat, even Trixie Sobieck who had to work until 7 PM still managed to scare up enough chicken and pizza to satisfy her insatiable appetite.

Logan Sobieck was instrumental in the capture of three underhanded young men who had been making a habit of cleaning out peoples cars of their electronic gadgets. Sobieck came out of one of his favorite places to find his stereo, and IPod gone from his car. Upon leaving he noticed a car parked on the side of the road, he turned around and came
Peg VanLanen welcomes Lee to chicken Night, Shelly Sobieck looks on
back. After pulling up behind the car the people took off and with all the experience Sobieck had with the Oneida Posse he immediately gave chase and got the license number. After loosing sight of the car he phoned police and they found the car later along with the loot from the 20 other cars they had
broken into that night. Sobieck who never feared for his own safety was honored by police for his unselfish and courageous methods of catching the thieves. Police were taken back when Sobieck asked them not to publish his name in regard to the capture citing his modesty and desire to leave the law enforcement part of his life behind. 

Logan Sobieck
A katandmick photo
Chrissy Meeuwsen has been in Benin Africa working for the Peace Corps for the last 7 years now and has not been home for a visit yet. This Christmas will change all of that. Chrissy is planning to come home for the holidays on December 15 and will stay until January 4 when she will return to the developing nation.
house. Those wishing to witness this feat of fantastic balancing skill are encouraged to meet the Suamico native at the air port on December 15th.

Meeuwsen is expected to attend the annual Christmas party held at the KAMR headquarters in the Town of Oneida on Christmas Eve. Those attending are anxious to see if she will bring them hand made beads or a lions tooth necklace made by the natives.
Chrissy Meeuwsen practices her luggage balancing skills
Meeuwsen leaves behind a room mate and a pet who anxiously await her return. The male room mate known by his first name only wears a loincloth and their monkey named "Cheetah" decided to stay behind, evidently scared off by the recent outbreak of the H1 N1 virus even though they were invited by Meeuwsen's parents.

Meeuwsen's mother is not expected to take any days off of work during her daughters visit after starting back at the visiting nurses service on August 25th she has only a little vacation. 

After a recent examination for knee problems, doctors gave him the green light for a knee replacement but red flags popped up during an evaluation for surgery. Sobieck failed the routine stress test and was given a cardiac catheterization which found considerable blockages in his main arteries leading from his heart.

Sobieck the father of 5 children will have open heart surgery on November 23 in Wausau. Lola Sobieck promises to keep everyone abreast of the results of the surgery on that day via her facebook page. Sobieck is expected to be out of the hospital by Thanksgiving but the arm wrestling exhibition between him and Dan VanLanen at the Turkeybowl halftime show has been canceled.
That's all the news that is news, see ya.
Joe Sobieck