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February 28, 2010

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                  en Hansen youngest son of Jean and Steve Hansen had gotten his learners permit some time ago and is a competent driver. That evidently was the logic used by James Seidl when he allowed Master Ben Hansen to use his van to pick up his girlfriend and bring her to their rural Greenleaf domicile for a visit. Those were the facts that came out at the biweekly Fat Club meeting held Saturday at the KAMR headquarters in the Town of Oneida.

Jean Poquette Hansen began telling the story but also threw in a few facts for free about an unfortunate accident she had that resulted in an underwear change.
One could have easily surmised that Jean Poquette-Hansen had taken Ben out for a driving lessen and the inexperienced Hansen made a driving faux pa that caused Poquette-Hansen to 
have the soiling accident. This was not the case as the frazzled Poquette-Hansen explained later. The two incidents unrelated, are their own separate tails of woe.

When Jean Poquette Hansen arrived home Ben and his girl friend were at their upscale Greenleaf abode. Poquette-Hansen asked her friend James Seidl if the girls mother dropped her off. He replied "no" in short offering no explanation. Poquette-Hansen pressed further asking if he and Ben had gotten the girl. Again, another short "no" with nothing else offered was what she was given. Poquette-Hansen suspecting something was awry asked Seidl point blank how the girl got to the home, forcing the explanation from Seidl which she dreaded to hear. Seidl explained he had allowed the younger Hansen to take his van and pick up the girl and bring her back to their domicile. Poquette-Hansen beside herself that Seidl had allowed Hansen to drive without a valid driver's license demanded an explanation but all that Seidl could mutter out was that he started driving when he was 10 years old.

Getting no satisfaction from Seidl Poquette-Hansen decided to confront Ben about the driving excursion. As soon as Poquette-Hansen appeared in the doorway to his room with a face of doom Ben exclaimed "James ratted me out!"  It was at this
Jean Poquette Hansen
A katandmick photo
Clara Pickett sits with daughter Ashley opening gifts at Sunday's baby shower
point that Poquette-Hansen had to sit down both the younger Hansen and Seidl and explain to them how much trouble there would be if something had happened. Seidl usually not at a loss long monotonous explanations and theory was found to be silent during Poquette-Hansen's admonishing. Ben Hansen
was even subdued not pushing back on Poquette-Hansen's points and rants.
Ben Hansen
Hansen maintained perfect control of her bodily functions throughout the entire event but she had had a problem before the feces hit the fan in her own home at work. Apparently triggered by a laughing jag Poquette-Hansen had an accident while seated at her desk causing extensive "clean up in aisle 5."
Hansen claiming that the problem rarely occurs refuses to wear
undergarment absorbents since she abandoned her daily use of them several years ago citing better bladder control since her regular exercise program began three years ago. What ever her opinion coworkers near her desk have moved to distant vacant work spaces when the opportunity is given.

Jean Poquette-Hansen with undergarment absorbents
Even though a mild winter storm continued to dump snow flurries outside, the warm interior of Incarnation Lutheran Church on 9th street in Green Bay hosted the Snell and Pickett families and friends. Clara Pickett ripped through dozens of bright pink wrappings to reveal many great baby gifts that will be put to good use with the birth of baby Pickett in April.

About 75 people attended the early afternoon gathering with some popping in and out but most stayed until 3PM when the party ended. Brandon the father of the baby was out of town attending a sales convention for his job.

The party arrangements were made by Clara's mother Linda Snell and her sister Val Snell-Tingley who made the invitations and organized the party games and door prizes.

With few July dates available for last years Timber Rattler game that allowed people to attend with out interference to other events we were forced to choose a date in June. With July offering less chance for rain it is more desirable and this years schedule gives a better opportunity to secure a working date.

With the weekend after July 4 being Ho-Dag weekend I am choosing the Saturday after that as the suggested date. July 17 is the prospective date so let me know if there are any conflicts, remember tickets will need to be reserved by mid March to be sure we get a good pick.

Another suggestion that was made was to try getting patio tables this year. If 5 or more tables are reserved the tickets for the four people at the table are $12 each compared to the $8 box seats we usually got. The table includes wait staff to get your orders so you don't have to leave the game to get a hot dog or beer. The waitress collects when served. The tables can be seen on the rattlers web site here.
Because of the 33% increase in ticket price I felt a survey is in order, please vote on your preference. One draw back is trying to get ticket sales to come out in multiples of 4 so as not to waste seats paid for by the group

What seats should we reserve July 17th?
Patio tables $48 ea seats 4. 5 tables min.
Box seats $8 each with sale of 20 tickets min.
Bleacher seating $6.50 each with 20 tickets min.

Remember if we can't get at least 20 people to attend the seating prices are higher. Last year we ordered 34 tickets. The poll will last two weeks after which we will start taking ticket orders. That's all the news that is news, see ya.