ith ample parking available still there were limited guests at the annual VanLanen 4th of July party held at the estate of the prominent Town of Oneida couple known for throwing lavish parties.
While the couple's intentions were no different than any other year, to feed the guests and provide a nice environment to visit and talk, the guests were remiss in their obligation to just show up. Guests included Lee and Alicia VanLanen along with their children who traveled all the way from Texas claiming the award for traveling the farthest to come to the party. Shelly and Ellie Sobieck, Dick and Cleen Poquette, Alissa VanLanen and Dean with Megan and Devon, Joanne Lade, and Rick and Bobbi Poquette with Rilee and Riker arriving late in the afternoon. The writer of this column along with the Kat stayed until about 8PM.
Notable absentees were Earl Poquette Jr. and his wife Pat, Robert VanLanen and his children, the Kevin Sobieck Family, the Hansen Family, The Pickett Families, and the Prevosts. Had these people mentioned attended the meager crowed of 20 people would have swelled to over 75 people, a number party organizers are more used to for this celebration.
Dan VanLanen was cooking the meat needed for the day when we arrived with smoke billowing from the Weber gas grill located on the cement slab
which used to form the floor of the now defunct "breezeway" to the garage. The concrete which used to be the home of a two stall garage now is used as a patio area which connects the house and deck complex to the yard and garage area. After his cooking duties were finished VanLanen took a minute and sat down to
reminisce about the old days and his experiences working in retail. Nearly all references made to the former jobs were negative and he recalled some of his own personal disturbing tales of retail anguish.
VanLanen also cited how unusual it would be to get the day off like yesterday without a phone call beckoning him to come to work to fill in for another employee who called in sick or was absent for another reason. "It got to the point where we wouldn't answer the phone any more because it was always someone wanting either me or Peg to go to work." VanLanen said that his spousal unit Peg VanLane was badgered as well from her employer to constantly come to work to fill in. In both cases if you answered the phone declining the request to come to work was not an option taken without repercussion.
Rumors surfaced at the celebration that the Axis of Evil were planning a competing party at the Sobieck home however no attendees to the VanLanen party reported any double invitations. Dick Poquette said he saw no activity at the Sobieck home leading one to believe they had again made their way up north to the elder Sobieck's home in Phelps for a weekend north woods getaway.
The final arrangements have been made and the money sent in to lock in our seating for the Wisconsin Timber Rattler outing scheduled for July 17th. Nine patio tables have been ordered and this will be a first for our group who usually sat in the box seats. Waitress service is provided however items still need to be purchased at regular prices.