wo weeks ago this writer declared the marriage between Rick and Bobbi Poquette a shattered glob of pig iron, but today the couple have mended fences, made concessions and continue on in their union like unbreakable steel. The metal framework of structure is a bit bent of course but still in tact.
While we all thought the couple had progressed from separation to divorce, but when it came time to make it legal with the judge neither wanted to go through with it and told the judge they had reconciled. The judge said OK and off they were again.
To celebrate the newfound commitment, the couple with an uncharacteristic request asked Dick and Cleen to watch their children while they spent the weekend together. The plan must have galvanized the new found love because Rick, assistant manager of Dick Poquette Auto Repair, was late for work Monday morning, a sure sign of cooperation.
Bobbi and Rick arrived at the VanLanen 4th of July celebration late but together with their children in tow. With the fast changing status of couple's marital status it was thought that reporting the couples reunion should wait a week just in case things flip flopped again.
With the annual T-Rat outing there are things to remember to bring to the tail gate party before the game starts. The party will start when the gates open at 4PM so we will plan to be there when the gates open and set up in the north east corner of the lot (closest to Hwy. 41 and the stadium).
You can find us by looking for the pop up tent that the Sobieck's set up between the lines. Tickets for the game will be distributed at the tailgate party, if you cannot attend the tail gate party please have one of the other people pick up your ticket for you and meet them at the gate when you get there.
Please remember to bring your meat and buns, and a dish to pass if you wish. You should also bring your own drinks. We will cook your meat for you, I am bringing a portable grill as is Kevin Sobieck.
The game begins at 6:35 PM and the first 1000 fans through the gate get a free snow globe compliments of Cher Make. The 36 seats I ordered have all been sold so I will not be collecting anything extra. The seating will be provided in the patio section for us, waitress service is available there, but you will still have to pay for what you order.
While the seating spot is maybe not the most desirable spot to see the game it does provide an excellent vantage point to view the fireworks after the game.
When the game and fireworks are over every fan gets a fruit roll up compliments of Fruit Roll Ups when departing the stadium. After the game we usually catch a couple of drinks before the lot clears out, so feel free to hang around after the game for some socializing.
That's all the news that is news, see ya.