August 21, 2010 1 PM 9 Holes of Golf at The Royal Scot and Dinner
Click here to register for the Poquette Family golf outing. Est. cost $16.50 walking $24.50 riding.
The Purshock's have already pledged that if enough oil tar comes ashore they will fashion it into tar balls and send them to relatives in the mail as a way of doing their part to clean up the spill.
With only weeks before sales close for the T-Rat outing July 17th ticket sales have dropped off to a trickle for the mid summer game gathering. Normal robust sales for the summer game would usually have rounded out the 44 seat commitment to near the full capacity, however preplanned camping trips and other commitments by some veteran attendees have pared down the reservations substantially.
Of the original 44 tickets reserved at the patio tables on the third base side 13 still remain. The cost of any unsold seats at the last table will be shared by the group. Right now that's only one seat at the 8th table, $12. The most this charge could be would be if 3 seats at one table went unsold, $36. Divided out amongst the ticket holders if the 9th table had only one seat sold that would come to an extra $1.10 ea. collected on game day for the unsold seats. If the10th table it would be .98c each. If this happened at the 11th table it would be .87c each extra. Let's hope we can sell out these tables so we don't have to purchase unsold seats as a group.
That's all the news that is news, see ya.
eg and Dan VanLanen have had a fourth of July celebration for as long as anyone can remember and now the VanLanen's have said they are gracefully bowing out. The VanLanen's have enjoyed many years of record attendance at their 4th of July celebrations over the years, with people attending both from the VanLanen and Poquette side of the families. Children always had a good time playing in the yard and the evening was always capped off with a camp fire and a plethora of fireworks.
With the opportunity to spend the 4th of July at daughter Shelly and her husband Joel's cabin and a chance to get away for a little peace and quiet up north the VanLanen's opted to end the annual holiday celebration. The VanLanen's have held the gathering for the past 20 years since the fireworks that were once shown at Bay Beach moved to the downtown Green Bay location.
The news of the dropping of the celebration was banter for "The Fat Club" which met at it's usual time on Saturday. Several alternatives including having a similar get together at the Sobieck's home on Florist Drive were discussed, but no permanent solution was forthcoming as to exactly what the new plan will be if any.
Fort Walton Beach residents Cheryl and Steve Purshock expect their white pristine sand beaches to be covered in thick gooey oil tar soon as the oil escaping from an undersea leak makes it's way to
Cheryl Purshock photo
Peg and Dan VanLanen
shore. The Purshock's who enjoy the beaches on a regular basis own an ocean going vessel and are dismayed that the craft may be covered in the greasy discharge before it is all over.
Cheryl Purshock's daughter Crystal Blue Bananas has alerted us on facebook that
sightings of oil tar have already been reported seen on the sandy paradise.