hile performing daily chores around the KAMR headquarters I noticed the toaster oven located between our water box and the refrigerator with a nice little fire inside and giving off comforting heat in the otherwise cool kitchen. Thinking that the Kat had found a way to keep warm whilst cooking I continued on my way, and noticing that she was not around I should make sure later to pay her a compliment regarding her ability to construct a small utility heater from common household items.
I went on with my duties and upon entering the basement I heard a shriek whereby I returned to the kitchen only to see the Kat frantically flailing her arms yelling "FIRE, FIRE". Panic stricken and frozen in place I realized that the seasonal cookie
baker had not intentionally set fire to her toaster oven and the the fire that had now grown in size was indeed an accident. With a baking glove and a cooking tongs and no other equipment I extracted the burning material and placed it in the sink while the Kat looked on in horrified amazement. The Kat now choking from the smoke was
my next priority, afraid to move and seized with fear I scooped up the Kat and carried her in my arms to a safe place outside. Pleading with me not to return I went back and extinguished the flames on the pan with the faucet from he kitchen sink.
My extensive training as an Oneida Firefighter had saved the Kat and our house when my firefighting instincts kicked in and I snapped into action. The Kat, who had not intentionally set fire to the oven thought that she would brown some coconut for the top of a coconut cream pie she had made for me. Misunderstanding the instructions on the recipe she confused 30 seconds in the oven with 30 minutes and the coconut spread thinly on the pan burst into flames after only 5.
The Kat
In need of a shave Bailey Prevost dresses up as an adult pikachu
With Halloween only one day away Bailey Prevost used the Kat's extensive knowledge of costumes to construct his elaborate "pikachu" costume at the KAMR headquarters Saturday.
Bailey Prevost
Prevost who wanted to be an adult pikachu stumped his mother after describing his desired outfit for Halloween Trick or Treating this year. Stephonia Prevost turned to her Aunt Kat in desperation for
any assistance she could provide regarding the costume.
The Prevost's arrived Saturday morning and upon completion of the costume complete with a standing tail they departed at 2:30 PM.