he man in charge of planning the Turkey Bowl says "no change" in the way the game will be played. That's the latest from Commissioner Brandon Pickett when questioned about the large
number of injuries sustained by the Blue Jell-O's team at this years annual football showdown. The Blue Jell-O's who are known as a dominating force at Green Bay's most significant football event have slipped the past two years most notably this year when the Jell-O's primary ball
carrier Willy Cornelius went out with a rib injury in the second quarter. The loss of the key player along with injuries to three other Blue Jell-O's resulted in a loss for the team for the second year in a row. Veteran player Justin Sobieck who returned to the game this year after a one year hiatus went out in the 4th quarter with an unknown injury by simply walking off the field whimpering.
With the high number of injuries suffered to the players in blue Brandon Pickett was asked if he would consider changing the way the game is played by perhaps converting the game to a touch or flag game and eliminating the "tackle" aspect thus making the event safer for participants. Pickett: "We will not be changing anything in the way the game is played, this is always the way it has been and if the players can't take it than they maybe should consider sitting out next year."
Questions even arose as to the way the teams were set up on game day and again Brandon Pickett said that every effort was made to keep the teams as even as possible. Pickett: "It's hard to set up teams when people have friends that want to play on their team, I'm not going to put Willy on the red team or Pally on the blue, we try to make the teams as even as possible, remember the Gobblers only won by one touchdown. I don't consider these complaints valid." Pickett who has been the XPFL Commissioner since the inception of the Turkey Bowl has the sole responsibility of setting the rules at the yearly event and has never changed them in the past 11 years.
Brandon Pickett
A katandmick photo
Willy Cornelius (with ball) sustains a rib injury after a tackle
Once again the Sobieck's will be hosting the annual Fat Club Christmas party at their upscale Hobart home on Florist Drive December 17th. The party consists of hors devours, drinks, and dinner with a gift exchange after. Some members don their favorite over the top Christmas sweaters however no judging or prizes are awarded for the most corny attire. Dinner
is usually served after everyone is liquored up sufficiently and in the past F C members have consumed such delicacy as Beef Wellington, and steaks grilled to order. Deserts are a plenty with the usual selection of cakes and pies as well as expensive candies selected especially for the holiday season. Eileen "Trixie" Sobieck is known for setting up the dinner and has never disappointed any members hoping for a great meal.
The gift exchange this year will be a "white elephant" trade whereby participants pass gifts to one another that are unwanted or "white elephant" items from their own home. Many members find this to be a useful part of the party with people hauling home a treasure that was thought to be junk by the giver.