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December 25, 2011
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On your doorstep as usual on Christmas Day!
A katandmick photo
                 nother Christmas Eve has come and gone at the KAMR headquarters and observers report that attendance this year was at record levels.

New this year was Mike Poquette and his whole family along with their significant others. The family with the largest number attending were the VanLanens with 13, while the family with the least attending was Sod Poquette with only his daughter Stephonia and her family at 3. Total attendees this year totaled 59, up from the previous years estimate of 50. The record of 67 still remains and has never had a serious challenge in recent years.

Probably the most notable not to attend this years get together were members from the Cornelius or Wenzel families. The Cornenzels, a family who's shadows were cast at the Christmas Eve party since it's inception by at least one member failed to produce even one person to hob nob with other offspring of the Poquette Family.

As usual the group was subdued at first but later became loud and boisterous as the night wore on and the alcohol flowed freely in the veins of those consuming adult beverages.

Presents were presented to all the children courtesy of Judy Treml who has looked out for the kids at every one of the Christmas Eve festivals
A couple of Dicks sit on the couch at the annual Christmas Eve celebration at the KAMR headquarters
Annual attendance up in spite of being shunned by Cornenzels.
A katandmick photo
since she has had children of her own. Kids were not in short supply at the party with numerous kids running about through the legs of those blocking the right of way through the house.

Chrissy Meeuwsen attended the party arriving from her
new California home to Green Bay on Friday evening. 
Judy Treml
The newly instituted "As seen on TV" gift exchange was put into practice during the event with everyone standing in a circle and music from the radio being played. When the music stopped the gift in your had was the one you got.
Eileen "Trixie" Sobieck jealous of her sister Peg and Kat complained openly about her plight of having guests at her modest Hobart home on Christmas Day. She longed to have the day to herself as her sisters are doing and have a quiet day at home with no visitors or traveling.
Eileen "Trixie" Sobieck pats her belly after consuming ham and coctail weenies
Jeremy Rezek who has worked for Great Lakes Pipe and TV has accepted a new job as an over the road truck driver with Schneider National.
Jeremy Rezek
Rezek 39 who has worked for the contractor since high school decided to seek new employment after his new bride Brittany encouraged him to find work in a safer envirnment. With Rezek's hearing disability the job was much more dangerous him than for others. That's all the news that is news, see ya.
Guests mingle in the lounge area of the KAMR headquarters
A katandmick photo