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ee Vanlanen was asked why he ran for office in his small town of Lowry, Texas. His response: "To uncover corruption, and cease misappropriation of funds."
Vanlanen announced last Saturday in a phone call to his sister that he has won a seat on the Lowry Village Board. Board seats in Lowry are not voted upon by district and hence there is not a locale for which each representative is responsible for. Each position that is available is awarded in the election to the people with the highest number of votes. Three seats were available in this last election so the three highest vote getters are those who enter office. Vanlanen came in third in the election therefore he fills one of the three open seats. When asked if he was surprised at his success in the election he said: "I thought I'd do pretty well, we campaigned hard and went door to door as well as performed other tactics to win."
Vanlanen will take just part of a term, 1 year because of a seat being vacated, however because of the way the election is held his win will unseat a sitting council member up for reelection. He said that if another board member leaves during his term that he would continue to the end of the regular term before he would seek election again. A normal term is 2 years. Vanlanen will be sworn in the first Tuesday in June.
Vanlanen felt that he had to run for election because the village was being mismanaged as he understood from his friend Jim Westendorf who was first elected to the board several years ago. Westendorf explained that of the 5 available seats on the board, 3 were being held by village firefighters who were voting on their own budget, an obvious conflict of interest in his opinion. Vanlanen
A katandmick photo
along with his friend Leonard Lewis both decided that is was time to do something about the way the village was run and they both threw their hats in the ring for the board seats. Lewis and Vanlanen both wanted to put an end to "the good ole boy network style of village management." The village of roughly 2, 000 people agreed with them and elected
the pair to get the community back on track. Vanlanen said that the budget for the village is about $300,000 and roughly about $100,000 was unaccounted for or misappropriated according to Westendorf.
Previously the KAMR reported that Vanlanen had worked for Ignition Inc. as a design engineer which was true as late as 2007, however that company went out of business through no fault of Vanlanen and early in 2008 Vanlanen began working as a mechanical engineer for Appliance Innovation. Appliance Innovation is a company that makes ovens for the fast food industry. The company has designed ovens used in virtually every Subway for toasting sandwiches.
Vanlanen hopes to attend the Turkey Bowl with his family this year.
In a last minute attempt yesterday Trixie Sobieck tried to buy a few extra minutes before the world ended to enjoy her steak she purchased from Maplewood meats. Kevin had nearly finished
cooking the steaks on the grill yesterday when she remembered the 6PM warning that the world was about to end. Sobieck immediately put out a plea for an extension on her facebook page and ordered her husband to "grill faster" so she could get her belly full
before the inevitable, and unprecedented global apocalypse. Her efforts were applauded by her facebook friends, the other two of the axis of evil, as well as fellow "Fat Club" members.
That's all the news that is news, see ya.
Trixie Sobieck
Lee Vanlanen
Lee Vanlanen relaxes after hearing the news that he won the election