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The News for Sunday December 27, 2015
Guests enjoy watching the Turkey Bowl on the big screen in the living room on Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve 2015 as family gathers for eating dinner in the kitchen
t wasn't the largest turnout ever for Christmas Eve but not the smallest either as guests once again dined on warm ham and fresh baked bread here at the KAMR headquarters. hors d'oeuvres were also available such as meatballs, bacon wrapped mini wienies and cheese and sausage. Deserts consisted of cookies and candies made by Cleen Poquette and Serogy's Candies.
Guests were also treated to the premier showing of "The Turkey Bowl" on the big screen in the living room as well as a secondary feed which was available to the smokers lounge in the garage. Since this was the first year the filming was conducted under the supervision of Katandmick Films and not Scott Treml Video the production value suffered somewhat. The lowered production value was not entirely attributed to inexperience by editing and different camera operators, but rather to the weather. Since it had rained all day, several shots that would normally be included in the package were either impossible to make in the rain or the video was not good due to lens fouling. Some other features were added though which had not been in previous video packages such as an opening montage, and closing credits, most welcomed were different camera angles from the ground which were "cut in" at various times where the platform camera on top of the press box couldn't capture the video. Efforts will be made next year to offer improved performance of these angles. A special thanks goes out to Rick Poquette and Lance Pickett for offering their talents as camera operators.
Attendance for the most part remained the same or may have dipped a bit with the omission of several family member who normally show however others brought along new sheep that blended into the flock just as though they were with the herd all the time.
Alex Pickett has invited everyone for a night out at T&C's bar in De Pere to help welcome in the new year. The bar boasts of band to perform on the eve's party but Pickett did not know the name of the band, no surprise here as Pickett, a fan of country music has no sense of what good music is. He even saw "The Vic Ferrari Band" last year and panned the performance saying they must have had an off night. Party favors will be passed out in advance of the arrival of the new year. The party starts at 8 PM but guests may arrive any time.
Don't forget to get your predictions in for next week's end of year edition where we make our predictions for 2016. Click here to submit yours, or email me at