The News for Sunday March 1, 2015
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Vic Ferrari's Wayne Peters belts out the lyrics while a member of the symphony horn section plays the trumpet
WAPL's Len Nelson plays his accordion for one song with the band during a performance of Symphony on The Rocks at the Meyer Theater
aturday March 7 the house at the Meyer Theater will rock as the Vic Ferrari Band along with the most talented and notable symphony players in Wisconsin team up to produce some of the best rock and roll cover music heard throughout the area. The Vic Ferrari Band along with the symphony began it's tour at it's home territory in Menasha for three shows in January and now moves to GreenBay for one show Saturday, then it's off to The Capitol Civic Centre in Manitowoc for a show
March 14, and the tour finishes at the Grand Theater in Wausau with two shows March 27 and 28.
The band is a popular staple at summer festivals throughout Wisconsin and most notably for Octoberfest in Appleton and Waterfest in Oshkosh. The Symphony on the Rocks show premiered in 2006 playing such classic rock groups as Pink Floyd, The Who, Queen, and Led Zeppelin. The playlist consists of mostly mainstay classic rock songs and the bands usual mix of top 40 and classic rock is somewhat upgraded to the best of classic rock and more difficult pieces. The show opens with an original piece written and performed by the band's keyboard player Aaron Zinsmeister who is also by the way The Kat's favorite band member.
The Band also does private party's and more exotic shows on cruises and in Las Vegas casinos. The band has a large following in the family as well as 11 people have shelled out the $37 per ticket to see the band again at this years Meyer Theater performance. It is no secret that this writer is a fan of the band and have been since I saw them at Rock Fest some 15 years ago. The only other band that I can think of that has been around longer is Rocker but sadly their performances are not up to the standards of Vic Ferrari.