The News for Sunday March 22, 2015
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Egg searchers Samantha Treml and Bailey Prevost prepare to run off searching for eggs after the shot of the pistol which signifies the start of every Easterday egg hunt since 1969
isappointed children and public outcry caused the Sobieck's to change their mind about the Easterday egg hunt. As the news of tens of angry protesters and 5 or more disappointed children began to filter down to the Sobieck's about the possibility of cancellation of Easterday festivities at the Sobieck home on Florist Drive, word came Sunday that the annual celebration had been reinstated.
Speculation as to the future of the annual Easterday event at the Sobieck home were called into question during the week because of a lack of response to questions put to the organizer of the event, Eileen "Trixie" Sobieck. Sobieck when asked at the last "Fat Club" meeting if the event were to happen again this year did not answer and instead began a different conversation with another guest at the meeting. It was thought by this reporter that the question was being avoided by Sobieck which led to the misunderstanding.
In a mid morning phone interview this day, Sobieck cleared up the issue by reaffirming her intention to host the annual egg hunt party once again this year. After numerous apologies to this writer for not answering the question put before her on the FC party day, Sobieck commented that she never heard the question regarding the upcoming Easterday event. She went on to say that final plans for the event have not been finalized and she was unsure as to who was preparing the eggs to be put out in the yard. Judy Treml usually handled the chore but has not yet committed this year to the duty. Sobieck went on to say that the hunt for eggs would occur at about 3 PM with dinner to follow immediately after the completion of the egg hunt. She states that the dinner will include fried chicken and ham. Alcohol that is to be consumed by adults is their own responsibility and is not provided.
To make things more interesting this year for those children participating in the egg hunt, this reporter proposed filling one chocolate egg with syrup of ipecac thus isolating one child to be banished from the house and sent to the yard to complete the evacuation of his or her stomach contents in solitude. The act would teach the children the meaning of randomness and the value of luck concerning "the luck of the draw". Such a lesson would be valuable to those children when it comes time to choose a tribune for The Hungar Games. There has been no word from the Easterday egg hunt organizers yet if the ipecac egg is to be inserted into the hunt.
One lone egg hunter search's the deck for eggs filled with candy, this year an ipecac filled egg could displace a regular candy egg