The News for Sunday May 17, 2015
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Judy Treml in obvious pain while Eileen Sobieck sneers at pain
Peg Vanlanen hauled to hospital after a nasty fall which broke her leg
ne of the many topics discussed at this weeks "Fat Club" meeting was the pain tolerance of Eileen "Trixie" Sobieck. Sobieck a veteran of enduring pain with out complaining was on hand to offer her comments regarding her recent operation on the removal of her reproductive system. Treml who was not present has previously described unbearable pain at prior meetings.
Last year Eileen "Trixie" Sobieck must have endured a great deal of pain according to her doctor who performed an operation to remove a fibroid tumor that had ensnared her entire reproductive system. While visiting the doctor for her initial exam the doctor remarked that she must have been in tremendous pain to which she recanted with a quote from her father who at one time said that "life is pain and you have to learn to live with it." Sobieck heeding the advice of her dad never complained about her discomfort in her nether regions but learn to live with it as her father suggested.
Judy Treml has seen doctors for a number of ailments throughout the existence of The Fat Club as recalled by members at yesterday's meeting. Treml who is no stranger to the doctors office has visited medicine men for a multitude of ailments including muscle spasms in her face, back pain, knee pain, and numerous aches. Treml's ailments can only be surpassed by Peg Vanlanen who has had many legitimate ailments but also has a high pain tolerance and refuses to complain about her situation. Vanlanen offered to prove the legitimsy of her pain by simply dieing, while other members refused to let her membership in the club lapse for such a poor excuse as death, therefore denying her the oppurtunity.

An informal poll taken by FC members on hand awards Vanlanen with the highest pain tolerance and Sobieck with second place and while no one else had been placed in the rating Treml came in dead last in the pain tolerance department. Mary "Doats" Meeuwsen who suffered from migraine headaches for years and had all of her teeth pulled to make way for all implants says her pain is lessened but she still has headaches sometimes but they are not as severe and there are less of them.
According to Richard Poquette his brother, Dave Poquette is now suffering from a lack of things to do after retiring in February. Poquette a veteran driver for Letica Freight Lines retired after rules about driving and the D.O.T's demands he wear a sleep apnea machine forced his hand to pull the plug and retire.
According to Richard, Dave is struggling with retirement and may look for a part time job where he can put in a few hours making delivery's and other menial tasks to fill out his week.