The News for Sunday May 24, 2015
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Joanne Poquette holding up her favorite gift
Joanne Poquette having a little relaxer drink before her last knee surgery
A katandmick photo
A katandmick photo
oanne Poquette has named the date she will be returning to WI for a visit. Friday June 12 Poquette will be traveling to northeastern Wisconsin in her brand new Volkswagen. Poquette a native of the Oneida area will undoubtedly hook up with old friends and chum around with family and hob knob with other wizards.
While visiting, Poquette is expected to get some much needed rest and relaxation as she takes some time out from her busy life as a Legal ease at Humana and also her now full time grandparenting duties.

As mentioned earlier Poquette will be arriving in her brand new Volkswagen which she acquired after trading in her near mint condition cypress green Saturn Ion. The Ion which had less than 100,000 miles served her will and was thought to be Anya's first car, but alas Poquette traded it away right from under her nose just before she was to start driving.
It's true the Anya is only 8, but in Indiana it's OK to start driving by age 9 if the parents are OK with it and are responsible public figures, and her dad is a It is not known how big the trunk is on her new car, and is it in the front or back? You now the old Volkswagens had the trunk in the front of the car and the engine in the back, air cooled you know. She will need to have a lot of space for all the meat and cheese she will be bringing back with her.
Poquette regularly is commissioned to haul back a half a cow for her carnivorous family.

Poquette is expected to stay through the weekend at the luxurious accommodations set aside for her right here at the KAMR headquarters on County E in the Town of Oneida.  She will now doubt depart for her home now in Batesville IN early Sunday Morning to give her enough time to unwind after her grueling 9 hour trip. Poquette is not expected to be seen in these parts again until the decades party Saturday July 18th.