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The News for Sunday October 18, 2015
A child watches adults carve pumpkins as the afternoon sun finds it's way through the south window of the garage
Logan Sobieck once relegated to only farm work has purchased his own home and has moved from his parents house
ogan Sobieck has completed the purchase of his own home according to Kevin Sobieck Logan's father. Sobieck 29 was able to purchase the home with funds set aside from a previous settlement after an injury. He is not the final offspring of Kevin and Eileen Sobieck to leave the nest however with the eldest of the children yet to relocate.
Little by little Sobieck moved items during the week but on Saturday his final belongings and bed were removed from the storage room at 735 Florist Drive in Hobart to be relocated at his new home off of Humbolt Road on the east side of Green Bay. And so will be the life from now on for Sobieck who will settle down to the straight and narrow. Gone are the days of Cougar Sobieck the golf pro, or Sobieck and his Oneida posse chasing crooks all over the rez finally capturing them and collecting the bounty, or the weeks of stock car racing and cases full of trophy's from local race tracks. Sobieck will now be busy working overtime to pay for his house.
The Seidl Home at 6788 Crippen Street, Greenleaf Wisconsin will be the scene of pumpkin carving this weekend on Saturday. The fun begins at noon and those bringing children to carve pumpkins are reminded to bring their own pumpkins along. Carving tools will be provided and there is plenty of space in the garbage cans for pumpkin guts to pile up.This years event will host a costume contest for the children so those who have been working on their costume will get to show it off this weekend. Plenty of food will be on hand with sloppy joe and chili along with numerous snack items to keep those attending fed to the end.
Saturday October 24, 2015
Bring the children for a day of fun filled action for pumpkin carving at the Seidl home in
Greenleaf 6788 Crippen St. Food Fun
and refreshments.