Guests remain stoic even as others bring interesting pets to the celebration
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The News for Sunday June 19, 2016
Proudly Reporting For 15 Years
An unidentified guest remains frustrated by the behavior of the neighbor on the chair next to her.
Saturday July 23, 2016 6:35 PM
Tickets $10:50 Box Seat
Click here to reserve your ticket
Read S. Lyle OConner's new edition to Idiotocity
Deadline to reserve and purchase tickets is July 5, 2016
he independence day celebration will continue thanks to the hard work of Peg and Dan Valnlanen. For 45 years the Vanlanen's have been putting on the fourth of July celebration at the same location in the Town of Oneida on County Road U. This year is no exception as the couple plan to prepare all the food and plan a day of fun for all.
As usual the Vanlanens will hold the celebration on the afternoon of the 4th of July and as always you may bring a side dish to the table but the Vanlanen's will be providing the main course with meat and buns and of course Dan Vanlanen will cook everything. Like last year guests may start to arrive at 2 PM and dinner will be served by 4 PM. Those in attendance will be invited to sit around outside and partake in sparkling conversation and enjoy a fire later in the evening. Then as dusk approaches the show will begin as families pool their fireworks to provide a light show on the lawn for all to enjoy. Anyone attending should be informed that kids are welcome, and games as well as equipment will be provided for the children to frolic on the spacious lawn on the Vanlanen's sprawling acreage.
The Vanlenens along with their daag Bell, and their 12 cats are happy to host the party and open their home to all who attend, however if you're allergic to cats it would be best to stay in the yard. The Kat ironically is allergic to her own kind and will be there to keep you company.
The deadline for ordering tickets for this years Timber Rattler outing is fast approaching and few have reserved their seats. The minimum number of tickets for group seating is 20 tickets and we are only at 7 with just a couple weeks left to go before the deadline. Call your friends and get your tickets ordered soon. Click here to go to the ticket order page. Once you've completed your order check back in a couple of days to make sure I have you down, the listing of who's going is not automatic when you order the tickets so you will have to give me a day or two to get you on the list.