Fat Club Kits reunite for a publicity photo on the deck outside the KAMR newsroom after a 15 year hiatus
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The News for Sunday March 27, 2016
Proudly Reporting For 15 Years
asterday 2016 will go down in history as the date when The Fat Club Kids reunited after 15 years. Although the children have seen each other at times this is the only time in 15 years that anyone can remember that the children had actually all been at the same function at one time. Megan Young, Kaitlyn Treml, Lance Pickett, and Emily Treml were the Fat Club Kids of 2001.
To be a Fat Club Kid used to mean that your mother was one of the FC members and you were dragged along to a meeting only to be banished from the house upon arrival for the duration of the visit while the FC
women drone on with gossip and small talk about where to get the best deal on a ham. Eileen "Trixie" Sobieck, one of the original fat club kids of 40 years ago remembers that being a FC kid was no privilege, especially if you were at the hosting home, they were fed breakfast then put outside with no shoes, had limited bathroom visits, had no food, and were not allowed back in until all the guests had departed. In this day and age modern Fat Club Kids are allowed to remain in the house and view Netflix or play games on their phone or computer. Sobieck remembers playing games outside with other FC kids and that part was OK, but being put out all day in the elements limited what the kids could do especially if it was raining. Today Sobieck herself is an FC member and brings no children to the meetings, except her daughter Brittany Rezek, or B-Rez as she is known as she is also a member.
Earliest known photo of Fat Club Kids to exist, although unidentifiable these children are not believed to be the original Fat Club Kids
Sobieck longs for grandchildren to bring along to The Fat Club as she regularly expresses her disappointment in her own children for not producing any, but she can do little to change the situation until one of them musters the courage to create offspring. B-Rez has already said she will not be the first to do so while the oldest of the children Justin, or J-Dog as he is known remains unmarried and playing the field. Only Loggie Doggie (Logan) seems to be the ray of sun light that will burst through the overcast sky's of grandchildlessness (if that's even a word) should he and his special friend Ali Barrette enter into the banns of matrimony and then create more Sobiecks. But even this seems far off, at least too long for Eileen to wait.
Easterday this year was at the KAMR newsrooms and proudly hosted about 25 people. The traditional Hilshire ham was prepared and served about 5 PM, along with all the other fixings that go along with it. Since the grounds were covered with snow the traditional Easterday Easter Egg hunt was moved indoors to the garage where the eggs were pretty much just handed out by Judy Treml since there was limited room to hide them. The 3 hour event was capped off by the video presentation of "Pee Wee's Big Vacation" now airing on Netflix. The just released film is the sequel to the wildly popular "Pee Wee's Big Adventure" starring Paul Reubens as Pee Wee Herman and is produced by Netflix. The film was briefly interrupted while a clean up took place after James Seidl inadvertently moved an abandoned can of soda while sitting down on a bench in the living room and it fell off and rolled under the steps. No one was injured in the mishap.