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April 8, 2012
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Joanne Lade develops a new soup product
I'm looking for a tall dresser for the kids.
Prefer wooden please

Contact: Shelly Sobieck
                  or Call: 920-676-6304
A Katandmick photo
            oanne Lade has been cooking for years and mostly it's sausage confections or steaks on the grill for husband Tim, but recently she has come up with a new recipe for soup.

Lade stopped in this week at the regular meeting of "The Fat Club" held at the KAMR headquarters in the Town of Oneida on a semi weekly basis. Lade along with her red colored barking dust mop arrived at this location with soup in hand for sampling. Lade's overactive K-9 unit was barred from entering the domicile due to a previous altercation with "The Kat" last fall involving a broken toe. See story here. As you know Kat's and dogs do not get along so all dogs were barred from the KAMR headquarters interior.

Lade expected to get reviews from all FC members however only Judy Treml and the Kat were available for comment. I weighed in as well with a charming review. The upshot was that the soup received rave reviews from all those who sampled it, Lade's ego was puffed up by the accolades and commented that she may produce, can, and sell the soup to consumers. Lade plans include attempting to meet with Amy Hanten from Channel 11 for an endorsement. Hanten, a longtime hero of Lade's for her daily cooking show on the station, would be a good asset to have in regard to promotion of her new soup Lade says.

Lade an experienced paralegal working from her home in the insurance field has grown tired of dealing with legal issues regarding health insurance and longs for a job where no thinking is necessary. Lade says: "I want a job like my sisters have where they don't have to think or even have a brain like driving a bus, or a teachers aide, or being in the military. That's why I'm developing my own line of soups beginning with my chicken noodle, then I can sit back and let the cash roll in."

Lade 58, hopes the soup line will take off and be able to support her and her aging husband so the pair can stop working. Tim Lade, Joanne's husband is employed by Lamer's Bus Lines.

Alex Pickett has landed a full time job at Schneider National Transport in Ashwaubenon. Pickett, 29 is now the go between the dispatchers, customers, and schedulers and the drivers.

Pickett says that the drivers come to him if there is a problem or a question, he then calls on the correct department to solve the problem. Pickett says that he is the service contact for some 1500 drivers but may only speak or communicate to 50 or 60 a day.

Pickett who previously worked at The Olive Garden began with Schneider as a temp through an agency, but after only working for the company a few weeks was asked if he would be interested in a full time job with the company. He has worked at both Schneider and Olive Garden up to this point.
The Norm Foster play "Maggie's Getting Married" is opening this week at the Green Bay Community Theater. The play about a modern family thrust into turmoil the night before the youngest daughters wedding, consists of a cast of 6 with the father of the bride played by this writer.
Thursday night is opening night at the theater located at 122 N. Chestnut street. The play will run through April 22 with performances the first week on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. The second week's performances are Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Week night performances are at 7:30 PM, Saturday's two performances are at 4 and 7:30 PM with the last performance on Sunday the 22nd at 2 PM.

The play is a comedy but is a little on the adult side and may not be appropriate for small children. Click here for a synopsis. A group of what might be described "fans" are planning to attend the Saturday evening performance on the 14th.

That's all the news that is news, see ya.
Mike Pickett as Mr. Scott in Star Trek