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December 9, 2012
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            n a plea of exasperation the Treml daughters have demanded that their mother Judy Treml hire a maid.

In a prepared statement the daughters outlined their demands regarding the cleaning of their enormous house and what they were capable of. Kaitlan Treml the spokesman for the trio, opened the negotiations by outlining the workload necessary to keep the large upscale far west side home up to her mothers cleaning standards. The conversation concluded with the strong suggestion by the three female offspring that the Treml parents were to hire a maid at once because they simply could not possibly be expected to complete the house cleaning and their school work as well.

As parents and home owners the daughters offered solutions for them by conducting research among their friends. The two older daughters cited numerous examples of their friends who also were put into similar situations and their parents had hired maids. 

Judy Treml in a quandary over what to do to keep the home neat explained the situation while helping prepare the annual holiday meat pie bake off. Meat
pie production is often where Poquette sisters trade stories and advice on home and family matters here at the KAMR headquarters. While no other sister present had had a similar experience they reserved comment on the matter leaving Treml
more perplexed than when she arrived. Treml was leaning towards hiring the maid but stopped short hoping to avoid a conflict with husband Scott who she feared might not agree with the hiring of servants. In the mean time Treml is afraid that delaying the hiring may make the daughters unions list of demands longer as the situation remains unsettled. Clothes and refuse grow higher by the day and rats have been seen in the area.

Judy Treml
Treml children hope for maid to clean up their rooms and find their younger sister
Next Saturday December 15 at 5:30 PM the annual "Fat Club" Christmas party will be held once again at the Sobieck household. The party consists of a lot of drinking along with hors devours and exchanging amusing stories before dinner.
The hosts Eileen "Trixie" Sobieck and her husband Kevin prepare the dinner and serve the fat club members on the dining table in the formal dinning room. Any straggling husbands are usually banned from the official fat club dinning area and are relegated to have dinner at the small dinner table or at a temporary card table set up near the Christmas tree while the Sobieck dog begs for
scraps at your feet.

Contact Trixie for food items to bring, and as always bring your own bottle of spirits. A white elephant gift exchange is planned so comb your house for a gift to bring along.

That's all the news that is news, see ya.
Eileen "Trixie" Sobieck