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Feburary 5, 2012
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                ileen "Trixie" Sobieck and Ellie Schilling had won a substantial amount of money and subsequently went on a relentless pursuit to get rid of it.

As you may or may not know Sobieck frequents the tavern known as Sidekicks on Main Street in De Pere. The bar, run by mafia types skilled in racketeering caters to those who are inclined to gamble on the numbers. Sobieck and Schilling are two such people. For years Eileen and Ellie the Double E Sisters have been betting on the numbers game but failed to come up with any substantial win. This past week was different for the gambling girls as their numbers hit and the jackpot was theirs.

The exact game that the pair won their fortune on is complicated and hard to understand however be that as it may the pair consistently gambled their paychecks every week at the local hangout predicting that one day it would pay off.

After winning the cash Sobieck immediately began calculations as to how long the fortune would hold out based on the pairs normal drinking habits. Sobieck came out with a period of three weeks based on every day attendance at the the aforementioned tavern provided prices remained stable. Schilling however driven wild by the good
Eileen and Ellie "The Double E Sisters" fondle and drool on cash won at Sidekicks in De Pere, sadly the pair went through the entire pile that night.
A katandmick photo
fortune of the two pooling their funds to buy numbers, couldn't resist buying everyone in the house drinks one after the other. Word spread around De Pere, then Green Bay and soon up and down the length of the Fox Valley about The Double E Sisters good fortune. Soon money flowing back across the
Ellie Schilling
bar in the reverse direction from the pile to the bartender was in such volume the bartender considered having a conveyer brought in to accommodate the flurry of activity. But before you know it the pile had dwindled to a pitiful amount that could be stuffed into two purses. The conveyer would not be needed tonight.
Sobieck and Schilling left for the night with purses filled with cash, but the pair lamented the now absent pile of cash replaced by bare floor.

The  EE Sisters returned the next day and after a short conversation vowed that they would no longer buy drinks, food, and games of pool for other bar patrons. Spending conservatively that night and for the next few nights the EE Sisters limped through with the remaining cash for three days before running out.

Old habits die hard and the EE Sisters are once again pooling their paychecks to buy numbers at the bar sometimes mistaken for a nursing home at first glance. So broke again are the Sisters that they are once again participating in the chili cook off and desert competition at the bar for the age-ed next Sunday. They are hoping to win cash again that they can convert straight to alcohol.  Last year the Sisters won the prizes for best chili (Ellie) and best desert (Eileen). If you would like to attend the cook off it's at Sidekicks in De Pere, 930 West Main St. in the old Country Kitchen building. With the competition beginning at about 1PM. Plenty of room  in the bar for wheelchairs and walkers.

That's all the news that is news, see ya.