With January nearly gone and the holidays behind us it is strange to say that we have experienced our first significant lasting snowfall in the Green Bay area. Warm temperatures and abundant sunshine have made previous snowfalls vanish in a matter of days or in some cases hours. The weather of the past week however has revealed a significant and what appears to be lasting change. Successive snowfalls even though small have piled up and not melted away as we had gotten used to. In one case it was necessary to get the snow blower out and clear the driveway. Sub zero temps appeared briefly in the middle of last week, even if only in single negative digits it was windy and biting. With a brief reprieve from snow on Saturday temperatures climbed a bit and have risen to near 30 F, but the weather man has offered more winter this afternoon suggesting that we will experience freezing drizzle and fog. Temperatures are expected to rise on Monday as rain develops in the morning, but by the afternoon it will drop again to below freezing and an inch of snow is to fall Monday night.
ith bite marks and bruises visible Eileen "Trixie" Sobieck describes how she was attacked and bitten by students at Syble Hopp School. Sobieck an aide at the County run facility spoke recently at a "Fat Club" meeting and explained how she is put in danger every day by
Just like the Gilbert O'Sullivan song title Justin Sobieck 32, number one son of Kevin and Trixie Sobieck is without a companion. Sobieck had in recent weeks acquired a female companion by the name of Nichole Dillon and were seen together in several notable locations.
Recently Sobieck's facebook page has been scrubbed clean of any existence of Dillon in his life experience. With flowerily rhetoric referring to climbing a mountain alone, Sobieck announced his solitary existence to the public via his facebook page.
Justin Sobieck
While it is not known which one of the two deemed the union as incompatible it is now noticeable the pile of defunct girls beginning to mount in the Sobieck's back yard. While Justin's pile is small and needs to grow a lot to compare to his sister Brittany's pile of broken hearted boys, it is however steadily growing with at least three or four (that we know of) on the stack now.
That's all the news that is news, see ya.
students catching her off guard and taking chunks out of her arms and shoulders. Sobieck had been bitten so many times in one day that she collapsed to her knees in shock, or maybe it was too much sugar.
The students are incapable of doing any malicious harm because they are special needs, yet they are capable of
reacting when they feel threatened. Sobieck feels they are confuse her attempts with helping them learn with meanness, something Sobieck is incapable of.
Sobieck goes into detail about her wounds and how she got them at the FC meeting, but one by one other members find other things to talk about and in the end she is just talking to this reporter about her problem.
Eileen "Trixie" Sobieck
A katandmick photo
The sun sets in the west as a new snow coats the ditches like white wash.