tephonia Prevost announced Friday night that her employer is looking for a new receptionist at her facility, The Golden House. Rick Prevost unafraid to tell the truth in the matter, chimed in that Stephonia had fired the last 5 after disagreements with them on their job performance.
Prevost hinting that the opening was available offered the bait to Eileen "Trixie" Sobieck hoping to entice her to apply for the position. Sobieck who works at Sybil Hopp School in De Pere as an aide
Stephonia Prevost teaches family violence at the Turkey Bowl
cautiously poked around for answers as to what she exactly would be doing at the Family Violence Center facility. First of all because she is frequently bitten by clients at her current employer she asked if she would be bitten on a regular basis at the Golden House and Stephonia said that she
had not been bitten herself in the 25 years that she had worked there. The next thing Sobieck was wondering was if she would be required to actually teach the violence to the families that come to the center. Prevost said that teaching the clientele
violence was her specialty and that this is where her and former receptionists disagreed. Historically the receptionists became knowledgeable in the art of teaching families violence but Prevost stresses that "it was just enough to make them dangerous."
Prevost said that she would often come upon a receptionist "know it
all" and have to tell them what their job was and what was not and that teaching violence part was her job not theirs. Sobieck who is experienced in violence herself said that it would be hard for her to resist teaching the art to clients but would do her best to refrain.
Prevost 40, celebrated her birthday with family and friends Saturday Night at Margarita's in Ashwaubenon and almost had to put her family violence training to use at the bar after a scene erupted over spilled salsa. Prevost unable to diffuse the situation began putting on her protective gear in order to heighten the family violence experience, but after some words were exchanged the other player in the story exited the establishment in anger before a family violence demonstration could play out. Disappointed family members hoping to pick up a few tips to enhance their own family violence
Eileen "Trixie" Sobieck
Stephonia Prevost
A Katandmick photo
techniques were forced to go back to sipping their drinks while taking verbal swipes at one another in lieu of actual violence.
Sobieck witnessing Prevost in action decided that evening that working at the Golden House Family Violence Center was for her and decided to apply for the receptionist position. Prevost feeling bad about the near altercation at Margarita's began to feel better when she found out that Sobieck might eventually be employed at her facility. She did caution her however that she would not be afraid to put her on the chopping block like her predecessors should she enter into her violence domain. Sobieck would not confirm or deny her violence intentions.
The annual T-Rat outing will be in August this year. Usually the event was in July and had been as early as late June but regular attendees lobbied for a later date because of events happening earlier in the year. August 18 is the date selected this year and the usual seating has been reserved. 50 box seats will be available in section 111 rows F to I. This is on the third base side and is on a Saturday night when there is fireworks.
Online sign up for tickets will be available later on this website. A commitment will mean you will be liable to pay for the tickets and the money will be due at this office before August or your ticket will not be ordered.