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October 14, 2012
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                     he usual high number of participants in the Turkey Bowl this year will dwindle as key players move out or get too old to play.

One of the problems with the declining numbers in the players ranks the last couple of years is that there are no new people to hand the baton off to when players become too old and crippled to play this demanding sport. Newly married family members are not viewing the repopulation of the teams as important as it was thought to be just 20 years ago. Brittany Rezek (sound slut) who promised the team a player on her wedding day has
yet to become impregnated with a future player. Rezek who commented in the past about having children dismissed the notion of helping the XPFL fill vacant slots by saying "I have a career to fulfill, I can't be producing children just because the league needs football players." The league is not even demanding as
to the sex of these children, only that they be produced so that the future of the Turkey Bowl can be preserved.

Commissioner Brandon Pickett became concerned about the potential problem when he observed younger players moving away to find employment such as Logan "Cougar" Sobieck who moved to Wyoming to find work in the pipeline field. Pickett did his part to keep the league alive as he and his wife Clara, produced a child two years ago to play the game. Lucie, the Pickett's aforementioned
Brittany Rezek
two year old daughter is already in training for the Turkey Bowl and should be ready to play within the next couple of years according to Pickett. He says that he and his daughter practice throwing the ball every night.

Commissioner Pickett also is working with his
Lucie Pickett
nephews Cole and Max to be ready in a couple of years as well. Pickett: "These kids will make a fine addition to the XPFL."
A katandmick photo
Some are helping produce players even though they are enduring hardship in the process. Kelly Wenzel a long time player in the League has a healthy male offspring to offer up to the league even though she struggles as a single mother. Wenzel: "I felt it was my duty as a dedicated player to reproduce and create future players."
Wenzel's younger sister "Marge" has done nothing to help even though she was married for a brief time to the unknown husband.

Others known to be helping the cause are Rick and Bobbi Poquette, Jacquelyn Poquette, Ashley Hansen, and Whitey Cornelius all who have produced children as
Kelly Wenzel
single parents with the intention of helping the XPFL to keep their numbers up.

This years attendance is projected to be a sell out again with some coming as far as California to this years football extravaganza. Dave Poquette will arrive on the Saturday before, and Cheryl Purshock as well.

Once again Jean Poquette-Seidl will host the pumpkin carving at her modest Greenleaf home on Saturday October 20 at 12 Noon. Guests are required to bring their own pumpkins. The host is providing lunch, carving tools, fake tattoo's and plenty of good fun. No prize will be awarded for the best pumpkin, and guests are encouraged to load their pumpkins after carving without James Seidl seeing them taking them home.

That's all the news that is news, see ya.
Players from 1994 are becoming too old and crippled to continue on now