t was just a week ago that Jean Poquette-Seidl was calling her relatives and friend to bid them adieu for the last time as she was sure that her demise was immanent. She awoke from her anesthesia Friday shocked that she was still alive and that the surgery was a success.
Saturday this reporter accompanied by the Kat visited Jean Poquette-Seidl at her private hospital room on Green Bays far east side. Sitting at her bedside ready to take down her last words was her loyal sister Joanne Lade, but Poquette-Seidl gave no rosebud moment. She instead remained seated in her chair at her bedside closest the window awaiting a glimpse of her her hero, her knight and husband James to return with the mortgage payment receipt. She clutched the push button device which allowed pain medication to be injected directly into her body at measured periods.
As an observer one could tell that she was in great pain and her judgement and alertness was altered however at times a clearing in the fog lifted and she was able to once again get in a few moments where she was on the attack. Most of her pain stemmed from her shoulder area which surprised everyone and she was told that everyone experiences this discomfort due to the process whereby they expand your insides with air causing some stress on the
Jean Poquette-Seidl with her sister Joanne Lade by her side on Saturday suffers in great pain after Friday's surgery at Aurora hospital
shoulder area. Poquette-Seidl's sister Eileen "Trixie" Sobieck thought that explanation was a lot of hooey and proclaimed that the real reason for her aching shoulder was that the hospital staff dropped her when moving her to the operation table. That allegation remained unfounded.
Eileen "Trixie"Sobieck
An uncomfortable moment came when prior to the surgery Poquette-Seidl's son Ben came for a short visit before his mother was anesthetized. As she was being readied for the surgery she was required to roll over on the bed and the back of her hospital gown slid open exposing her posterior. Ben got an eyeful and immediately made his presence scarce commenting "you can never unsee anything like that!". Poquette-Seidl unfazed by the exposure and accidental sighting of her ass reminisced about the son gobbing in the shower and leaving it for her to step in and proclaimed the incident as "payback".
The nurse attending to Poquette-Seidl wore and unconventional uniform with the trousers being yellow in color while the top was a bright violet. After a short conversation she confided in the visitors that she likes the odd comments she gets and she continues to pick out clothing for work that is unconventional and attracts attention. Aside from her unusual taste in clothing she seemed to perform her duties exceedingly well and was very personable with visitors.
Barring any unforeseen complications Poquette-Seidl will be released from her hospital stay on Monday and return to her inner city Greenleaf home where she will recover from her ordeal and begin the weight loss that is what this is all about. She will begin to realize her cure from diabetes soon as well.
oddly dressed nurse
According to a short posting on facebook, Justin Sobieck has reportedly rented a farm house on Fernando Drive in the Village of Hobart. According to Sobieck it is "Two blocks from the parents." Sobieck a drifter, stayed at friends apartments, lived on the street, and at times lived in his shop.