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September 9, 2012
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                          onday the Treml's hosted a family and neighborhood party next to their newly created pond, much to the chagrin of the Treml children who prepared all week for the party.

The party's main function was to christen the newly created "Lake Treml" and was held at the Treml's upscale home on the city limits of Green Bay's far west side. The lake was a compromise according to Judy Treml the mother figure at the Treml household. Treml stated that she had wanted a pool for some time at their home and thought it a nice thing for the children in the summer time. Scott Treml surmised that a pool would require much care and time he didn't have, so as a compromise he suggested a pond. The suggestion was welcomed by Judy who figured that the pond was a better idea and would increase the property value much more than a pool. Work began early in July on the plan and Scott dug the hole and lined the pit with clay himself. He constructed a waterfall on the north end of the lake and used a pump from his private stock to power the steadily rising rock formation with water trickling down. The south end of the lake sports a sand beach with white sand trucked in from a neighboring pit.

The adjoining patio in the foreground closest to the house was not in the original plan of the lake but came later at the suggestion of the landscaper.
According to Judy Treml the landscaping company representative suggested the patio idea and explained what could be done and what options were available. Treml: "We had no plans for a patio, and after hearing the landscaper we were totally sold."
Judy Treml
Scott Treml when asked if he had constructed the patio answered with a quick resounding "no" and suggested that he would not be able to complete such a project as he had tried it before and "failed miserably".
Lake Treml as it appeared upon it's completion
Preparaions for the party began early in the week previous and were completed with help from the Treml's two older children, the youngest child was at camp. Kaitlan and Emily Treml were pressed into service getting the house ready as well as helping mom prepare dishes to feed the masses.
Emily Treml, who felt as though she had been Cinderella but had not reaped the reward of going to the ball said she had been "forced to clean for three days straight. My mom is the party nazi!" Judy Treml had backed off on the girls for the day only asking for help occaisionally to carry a dish or fetch something from the house. Emily's room which was exposed to visitors via an adjoining door from the bathroom
seemed exceptionally clean and orderly. Kaitlan's room was not available for immediate inspection but Sammy's room was and could have used some picking up, however it was thought that visitors changing into swim wear in her room may have rummaged through drawers throwing clothes on the floor. The party was a big success and the cleaning schedule had returned to normal at the Treml household afterward.

That's all the news that is news, see ya.
Emily Treml