en Hansen has been involved in yet another car wreck where the automobile was totaled after he just purchased it two days before.
While it's no secret that Ben Hansen has had a streak of bad luck, he has achieved a new milestone in being unlucky with the destruction of his second vehicle in as many weeks. Hansen who has had a half dozen vehicles since his high school graduation has had to abandon the first four due to issues with the giver of the vehicle or because of mechanical problems. His best vehicle came from his grandpa but unfortunately is was totaled several weeks ago when he fell asleep on his way to work and rear ended a semi truck. Fortunately he was not hurt but lost his only transportation.
He temporarily used his mothers car for two days but when her husband James Seidl found out he put the kibosh to that plan. Seidl knowing the history of Hansen's driving record said it was too risky to let him drive the car and an insurance premium nightmare should their carrier find out he was using it.
Somehow, Hansen found an unnamed female friend to co-sign for a loan for the latest automobile he purchased for $2,500. As previously mentioned however that car was totaled when he had to pull over to take a phone call and unexpectedly went into the ditch. Upset he called his mother, Jean Poquette-Seidl and told her that now he has to pay $120 a month for a car that he can't even drive or be fixed.
Down on his luck the whereabouts of Hansen are unknown at this time. Where ever he winds up at the end of the day is where he stays generally, because of his lack of wheels.
Once again another Octoberfest in Appleton has come and gone on Saturday. The Kat and I along with the Seidl's attended the valley's biggest block party with a couple of newbies in the mix. Stephonia and Bailey Prevost attended the party this year and made the half mile trek from the parking ramp to the end of College Avenue where the Vic Ferrari band serenaded the crowd of $100,000 according to local radio host John Maino who introduced the band.
The Kat, Stephonia, and Bailey bailed out after barely and hour and will probably not come back next year. The Seidl's and I stayed to the bitter end hearing their closing song "Thunderstruck". We all got Vic Ferrari T-shirts which were specially priced at $5 for the day.
That's all the news that is news, see ya.