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August 11, 2013
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           n a recent "Fat Club" meeting one member suggested that the consistently absent Stephonia Prevost be penalized for her disregard of mandatory attendance rules set forth by the exclusive overweight female club. 

Prevost 40, once again violated the club's mandatory attendance code by not attending the Saturday meeting at the KAMR headquarters in the Town of Oneida. Eileen "Trixie" Sobieck immediately brought up the Fat Club member on charges as soon as it was clear that she would not be in attendance of the Saturday meeting. Sobieck:
"It's right in the rules that no member can be absent for more than three meetings in a row without a penalty imposed by other FC members." Sobieck the self appointed vice president of the FC went on to say; "I say that we make her divide up her tribal per capita payment
Eileen "Trixie" Sobieck
FC members recognize the dump reference as a metaphor for her and husband James to have romantic relations during this time period. After talking it over many felt that it would be impossible to have Prevost hand over her yearly remittance from the Tribe, so the group agreed

Jean Poquette-Seidl
to accept the less prosperous but more practical gratuity of bagels and coffee from Big Apple Bagel when Prevost returns to the Club. Sobieck suggested that Prevost bring the coffee in some kind of cardboard container provided by Big Apple Bagel. 

Sobieck also mentioned that her youngest son Logan will be delayed one day from his departure from Wyoming. It is not known why but he will leave on the 16th instead of the previously scheduled 15th, allowing yet one more day for bullies to get him. 

That's all the news that is news, see ya.
or her own absence sighting her need for "going to the dump" as a valid excuse for her failure to show up. Many
Prevost who often points her finger at others had the finger pointed at her this time
among the rest of the attending members as just punishment for her lack of attendance."

Prevost, who has been absent so much no one could remember when she had attended the exclusive "by invitation only" club last. Members chatted how the Turtle Clan member used every excuse in the book from having to graduate from college to bringing Bailey to baseball games in neighboring states as supposed valid reasons for not attending the mandatory meetings.

FC member Jean Poquette-Seidl who also was incensed to here that Prevost was absent from the Saturday meeting also expressed her desire to divide up the stipend received by the 50% Oneida Tribe member upon it's dispersal.  Poquette-Seidl who also was absent from Saturday's meeting spoke via phone to other FC members expressing her disappointment in her niece while apologizing