ogen Sobieck, laid out by his domestic partner over his failure to consent to retrieve a Bush beer for his room mate resulted in a broken jaw for him and jail for his partner.
It's only been about a year since Logan Sobieck moved to Wyoming to answer his calling as a gas pipeline construction contractor when a disagreement over a beer left him with a wired jaw. Sobieck, 22 and his room mate Travis Blaser decided to attend a public event near the small town where they live. Sobieck says Blaser decided he would start to party early and began drinking before the pair made their way to the celebration some miles away. Sobieck not knowing that his live in male companion is a mean drunk handled the transportation aspect of the trip and went along with Blasers antics.
Upon arrival Blaser swilled even more Bush beer at the unknown event, which is unimportant to the story anyway. Sobieck had just purchased a Bush beer for himself and returned to his group when Blaser asked where his Bush beer was. Sobieck answered him saying he did not bring a beer for him. Blaser ordered Sobieck to get him a Bush beer as if he were his property, but Sobieck refused telling him and using an expletive to get his own f****** Bush beer. Blaser became enraged over Sobieck's obvious disregard for his authority and pushed him over punching him in the face three consecutive times breaking his left jaw.
Sobieck who was obviously hurt sought medical attention, and it is not clear who or when authorities were called but the they showed up and took statements from the involved parties. Sobieck and Blaser gave their address as the same whereby the officer in charge stated that because of their coexistence the matter became domestic abuse even though Sobieck refused to press criminal battery charges.
Sobieck now injured at the remote location had to have extensive jaw rebuilding and will have to endure having his jaw wired for at least 6 weeks.
Travis Blaser on the other hand was taken into custody for the domestic abuse situation and spent the night in jail before being bailed out in the morning by his long time live in friend Logan Sobieck. Needless to say Sobieck and his buddies had to scrape up some cash to get their friend out of jail but they managed to come up with the $500 for bail. Sobieck was told by doctors to take a week off of work and since the incident happened last weekend the time has passed slowly for Sobieck and he is looking forward to return to his work this week.
That's all the news that is news, see ya.