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January 20, 2013
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                     ith the impending break up of the 20+ year Lade marriage on the horizon Joanne Lade looks to get her life back in order which includes a long distance move. Even though Joanne Lade's single offspring Aimee moved to Indiana, has taken a husband, bore two offspring, she sees no reason she shouldn't join the family and make a home for herself in the Hoosier state.

Lade 55, announced her intention to separate from longtime husband Tim Lade last week in a brief statement. This week she has made her intentions known regarding her life after marriage. Lade says that she and Tim intend to sell their upscale Allouez mansion in the Hoffman Heights section and she will move to an apartment or duplex. Lade said a tentative date has been set for the divorce and that plans to finalize the separation have been completed.

While Lade's short term plans came as no surprise given she confirmed her clear intentions regarding divorce, her long term plans did come as a bit of a shock to family and friends and I expect the readers of this publication when she announced her intentions to leave Wisconsin. Joanne announced that after the legal business of the divorce has been completed she will begin plans to move from the Green Bay area and seek residence near her beloved single offspring and her daughters. Although Lade is insistent about the move she still holds a soft spot in her heart for her friends and family back in Wisconsin. Lade says that she plans to return to her birthplace at least once a month and attend as many "Fat Club" meetings as possible, admitting that she can never be able to loose enough weight to disqualify her as a member.

Lade who grew up in what was considered the lower class section of the then up and coming community known as Hobart, has always been known as a go getter. Even while trying to relax after a hard day of housework, Joanne could often be seen rocking incessantly in the rocking chair while listening to rock tunes on the single pair of headphones in the Poquette's meager but adequate house. Her inability to remain still even when supposedly resting carries on to this day as could be seen just Saturday night when she visited the KAMR headquarters. Lade who was supposed to be enjoying a steak dinner was unable to control her leg which kept twitching prompting her to get up and do even more work.

Joanne Lade expects to help out on a regular basis on the Richey Chicken Farm
While R. Timothy Lade could not be reached for comment Joanne says he is making his own plans for after the break up. While it has long been understood
that this writer was to author R. Timothy's obiturary with plenty of references to his habits regarding having fun at other people's expense, it now is not clear as to the future of Lades epitaph or who will write it. While Lade remains a personal friend it is unclear if his opinion regarding this daunting task still lies heavily
on my shoulders or if he will possibly let say, hand the baton off to another brother in law of wife number 5.

The Lade's will remain friends according to Joanne who is planning to join the Tim Lade X-Wives club even though she will be unable to attend a lot of the meetings after she moves. It is unclear if she will keep her Lade moniker or switch back to her Poquette Maiden name. R. Timothy, a bus driver for Lamers Bus Lines, plans to continue his career in transportation until he is unable to work physically. Tim will no doubt keep in touch with Aimee and keep an eye on the kids, one of his favorite things in life.

That's all the news that is news, see ya.

R. Timothy Lade