ust as things were getting under way in the Sobieck's pool last week with the runaway sisters taking over the pool the Sobieck's and Treml's were getting ready to tour the grounds at the Iola car show.
The show held in a large field on the outskirts of Iola Wisconsin provided entertainment for the foursome for the entire afternoon. Just about the time the sisters in the pool were began raising their blood alcohol level the Sobieck's and Treml's arrived in the small town of Iola located in the center of the state about 10 miles north of Waupaca. The Sobieck's drove Scott Treml's restored vintage Ford Mustang to and from the show while the Treml's enjoyed touring the countryside in the back.
Scott Treml remarked how the show had changed since the time he last went some 20 years ago. At that time Treml said the show occupied a field of about 20 acres where now the amount of land used for the show is hard to estimate. The reason Treml says is because one cannot see from one end of the show to the other. The festival hosts thousands of antique cars, unique one of a kind vehicles, trucks and buses. Eileen "Trixie" Sobieck mentioned that she even saw a truck restored that was the same vintage of one I had owned for many
A katandmick photo
years, a 1966 Ford F-100. A vehicle that served me for many years (26) and of which no other vehicle I owned was able to duplicate. I stored my vehicle for some time after I retired it
Justin Sobieck
The Treml's and Sobieck's tour the grounds at the Iola car show
from service with hopes of one day restoring it, but without an adequate facility to work on it and the lack of funding needed to restore it I decided to give the vehicle to Justin Sobieck. He also wanted to restore it and had high hopes of doing so, but after a through evaluation decided to junk it instead salvaging any usable parts.
That's all the news that is news, see ya.
The 1966 Ford F-100 I drove for 26 years
A katandmick photo
Alas my faithful Ford F-100 had met the junk man at last.