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June 2, 2013
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Judy Treml seen here giving an interview with Fox 11
A katandmick file photo
               udy Treml is still the party Nazi according to a Memorial Day poll taken by the KAMR with the Treml Daughters.

Once again guests flooded the back yard and plush interior of the Treml home on Green Bay's exclusive far west side. Last year the traditional mark of the end of summer Labor Day, was the occasion for the family to gather at the Treml's recent acquisition on Haven Place in the city where guests and family members admired the newly formed water hole in the back yard. Scott Treml worked hard to dig fill from the family's back yard to raise a portion of land near the roadway, consequently the void filled with water allowing the family to have an added bonus of a swimming hole.
Scott Treml
Although the children were attracted to the sandy beach located on the west end of the hole, the water temperature restricted the youths from entering the black abyss. With the exception of Dick or Cleen Poquette retrieving their youngest grand daughter from the edge of the water,
no other child ventured near the cold murky bottomless pool.
Children and teens gravitated toward their favorites and it was at this point that the opportunity was given to gather the true opinions of the Treml daughters about the party prep. It was at this time
the Treml's second oldest and middle child Emily, offered her opinion of the events leading up to the plan for the holiday event. Treml: "She (Judy) was on us all the time to get the place cleaned up. It wasn't worse than last year but it was at least as bad." When asked if she still should
Emily Treml
hold the title of party Nazi she replied "yes". Unable to corner Samantha for her opinion because of her intense quest to entertain her guests, this reporter relied on the opinion of Emily as to what she would have thought of party preparations. Emily: "She probably would have had no opinion because Mom didn't have her do anything".

Kaitlyn Treml seemed ambivalent about the whole party prep process because of her upcoming trip 
to Arizona. She offered her opinion saying that the same drudgery that occurred last fall happened again. She also pointed out that her mother still holds the "Party Nazi" title. Both daughters shared the same view, even though Judy Treml thought that Scott was harder on the girls than she was. Kaitlyn Treml left for Arizona the next day.
Kaitlyn Treml
Cleen Poquette the financial wizard of the family has sought out and procured a job in the banking industry where she will not be required to work week end duty.
Poquette 52, wanted the 40 hour traditional work week after years of weekend work in the paper mill. After leaving the manufacturing environment Poquette sought after working conditions that were cleaner and somewhat quieter and began working at Baylake Bank. After reasonable time in the banking industry she was able to leave that company
and found a credit union where she is not required to work Saturdays. Poquette's new home is Harbor Credit Union near the Morning Glory milk plant. Harbor Freight Credit Union is closer to her home, however some benefits are costlier concedes Poquette, but she considers that a trade off for the better schedule and shorter commute.

Cleen Poquette also was happy to announce that Rick "Ricky" Poquette has reconciled with Bobbi, his wife of
7 years. Poquette says it's just in time for the couple's 8th anniversary tomorrow. This was not the first time the pair experienced rough going in the union but is the longest separation thus far. Rick and Bobbi who have three children lived apart for 3 months while they hammered out details of the break up.
Cleen Poquette
Rick and Bobbi Poquette
After dealing with the legal wrangling associated with the business of divorce, the couple realized that they once again belonged together and reconciled making their parents and children happy again.

That's all the news that is news, see ya.