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June 16, 2013
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              oanne Lade in a brief press conference Friday June 14 announced that her divorce to Tim Lade was final . Lade made the announcement at the KAMR headquarters located in the Town of Oneida which is also the same location for the origination of The Newsletter. Lade had just returned from the Brown County Courthouse and made the announcement before a small gathering at the publications offices.

Lade went on to say that she had also changed her last name back to Poquette during the legal ordeal of which neither party utilized legal representation. She said the proceedings were civil and organized and the family court commissioner made it clear to both parties just what the consequences were for what they had accomplished with the divorce.

During the legal wrangling Poquette was able to "buy out" Lade for his share of the upscale Allouez home so when the house sells Poquette will keep all the proceeds from the sale. Lade still lives at the aforementioned plush abode however it is not known for just how long. Apparently Poquette has the power to boot Lade at any time but out of the goodness of her heart has allowed him to stay until he finds a home of his own.

Last weeks "Ask the Kat" offered a solution for the couples martial problems however neither party found the solution palatable and they both found themselves in court on Friday.
A katandmick photo
Tim Lade has already begun to fade from family photos
While Poquette is trying desperately to market and sell the home of which she is now sole owner, the offers have been few and far between. Joanne Poquette is hoping to complete this stage in her life and move on with plans already finalized to take up temporary residence at the Sobieck home located in the upscale community of Hobart. Poquette's long range plans call for her to move to Indiana where she can be close to her daughter Aimee and the grandchildren.

That's all the news that is news, see ya.