he Dan Vanlanen Family will once again host the Fourth of July festivities.
Just announced this week the Dan Vanlanen family, or what's left of it will host the annual 4th of July festivities at their comfortable Town of Oneida compound on County Trunk U. Since the Vanlanen children have moved out of the house the only ones
remaining will be Peg and Dan Vanlanen and no kids to boss around to prepare for the party. The Vanlanens considered hiring the Treml children to help prepare, however after their continuing rant about their mother Judy Treml acting like the party Nazi their opinion of the girls work ethic changed dramatically.
Emily Treml (wisdom teeth not yet emerged)
A katandmick photo
2007 4th of July party at the Vanlanen compound
So slowly but surly the Vanlanens are preparing for the party which is to begin between 2 and 3PM on the 4th. According to Peg Vanlanen, the hostess of the party everything will remain the same, with the Vanlanens providing the main course of the meal and those wishing to bring a side dish should do so by; checking with Peg the cat lady ahead of time. Soda and water will also be provided for the party but any liquor or beer must be brought in with your own cooler.
Peg says that those wishing to stay after dark may enjoy a fireworks show provided by the many pyrotechnic maniacs that usually attend the party. The ending time of the party is unclear but she encourages everyone to stay as late as they want and if she gets a little too tipsy she will retire to her bed while the party goes on.